Urtum started to feel uneasy as they continued through the darkness, the sounds becoming louder as they seemed to be getting closer to their source. The Salarian got a strange feeling, like they were being watched by... Somrthing, maybe even a small group of "things". Urtum slowly pulled out a pistol that was strapped to his waste that he kept with him for things like raiders, or hostile wildlife. Suddenly, A.L.I.S.' voice chimmed in, staying at a low volume, "Increasing movement behind you, Doctor." Urtum turned around, his shoulder light beaming infront of him revealing whatever was comming towards him. He couldn't really tell what the thing was, its skin was blue and looked almost as if it was rotting, it moved with an unnatural sway as it started to increase its speed into a full on sprint. As it closed the gap between them it let out a horrific, blood curtailing sound. It definitely did look like it wasted a hug. Quickly, the Doctor lifted up the pistol letting out a few rounds into the creatures chest, which was thrown back slightly from the impact of the shots. The sound of the pistol echoed through the mine, answered by what seemed to be hundreds of the same sound from the creature. This wasn't good.