[quote=@Vhagar] Nope. I am in the process of writing, I got stumped on Talron's letters to Daenys and Jullon Tully, so I have to go back for that. I only found out when I woke up this morning that I was good to write the entire Bear Island section in my post so I've only just started it. Sorry for the delay, but I am getting there. [@Dawnscroll] how do you want me to handle the small ranger Garrison? I was just going to have them captured and killed after causing a bit of trouble for Valorion's men but of there's anything specific you want done then let me know. Also, I have a problem with the Stark navy. The Westerlands have, historically, had one of the largest and most powerful fleets in Westeros, along with the Iron Islands, the Royal Fleet, and the fleet of House Redwyne. As was stated in a previous post, the Westerlands have a vast amount of wealth available to them, and will no doubt have families of shipwrights raised over generations, and massive amounts of natural resources, and as such they were designated a fleet size of 100. On the other hand, the North has no such vast wealth, has had no navy for hundreds of years before ASOIAF and so has none of the naval history of the Westerlands, would have very few shipwrights if any at all, and doesn't have an particular abundance of natural resources with the exception of Ironwood. So, how the North has managed to amass a fleet of 100 ships, the same size as the Westerlands, I have no idea. It's not that I'm trying to be horrible, I'm just trying to keep it real. It just doesn't make sense. [/quote] Small Ranger Garrison will likely act as the VietCong on the Island. They'll defend it, but their job is to cause hassle and make your invasion worth not as much. Likely 5-10 mdn. Kill some, let a few slip away. North, when you look at it, has a tremendous amount of natural resources. Especially in wood. They had 0 naval presence on the Western side of the contimemt, but have a considerably fair one on the eastern side. Whiteharbor was a massive shipwrights community, and even then House Mandel was the primary naval family. http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/House_Manderly Robb had even commissioned the building of new galleys and long ahoys for the war effort. In the three hundred years since then, the majority of the wolf's wood was cut down for production and rebuilding, and Torren Square became a center for Western shipbuilding, giving them a presence on both sides of the continent. Also, House Lannister had bankrupted itself in its entirety from the War of the Five Kings l. Robb was attacking by land, not sea so what sense was there having a big navy? Also, I am so fucking sorry to hear about that post. That sucks dude. :/ Your muse will be back though...