[hider=Daniel Blackmore][b]Name:[/b] [i]Daniel Rodney Blackmore[/i] ([i]The Colt[/i]) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Daniel is rather weak-looking and short boy standing at around 5'6. One of the first things people notice about him is that he's, well, blind. He was born blind, and it shows as he carefully moves around, swinging his cane from left to right, to make sure that he run into something. Thus, he hasn't been able to live a life like everyone else in his family has. Daniel is rather thin and lanky, slightly overweight. He has a small pot-belly that's concealed by his clothing. He does have wide, strong shoulders, and is overall thin. Daniel, like his sister, is part British, and part Korean. However, he leans a bit more on Caucasian than his sister. His skin is white, albeit slightly yellow-ish, most can see the Asian part of him in his slanted amber eyes. Daniel's skin has several imperfections, like stretch marks and scars. He got most of his scars because of making blunders, or walking into/off something because he can't exactly see. None of them were from fighting or playing sports - Merely because he's not the type of person who'd partake in such situations. Unlike my other characters, I'm not giving him any facial scars. Daniel can be considered good looking, or cute. Lots of girls think that he's cute in that helpless, innocent and harmless kind of way. Overall, he's kinda attractive, not the most beautiful man in the world, but is a looker. He has a rectangle-shaped head, and has very squared and well defined facial features. His head is slightly small in comparison to his body, it's hard to notice unless you have super duper good observation skills, or something. Daniel has a large, bulky chin, which points off his face slightly. He also has a chin cleft. He has a slightly sharp jawline, nothing compared to his sister or father, nothing of note. Daniel has small cheeks, and are squared like the rest of his face. His nose is very small, and he has a short bridge, but his nose is a little wide. He has a wide forehead, nothing too notable. His ears are roundish, and other than that, average. Daniel has a small, short, thin, forehead. Daniel's amber eyes are slanted and pointed, obviously received from his Asian descents. However, most of the time people don't see his eyes because they're obscured under sunglasses. Being blind means that you don't exactly have a fashion sense. Most of the time he gets dressed up by someone else, they mostly make him wear what they think will look good on him. Basically making him like a living Ken Doll. Daniel has two things on him at all times, his sunglasses and his staff. He's always wearing sunglasses, because he's blind. Daniel has a long White cane (A cane that they give blind people) that he uses to help him maneuver, to make sure that there isn't any one/thing in front of him. Daniel sometimes wears a large, leather, long coat, over his outfit - Regardless of if it matches or not. This coat is obviously too large for him, and it sometimes drags along the ground as he walks. [b]Personality:[/b] ... I'm going to hate myself for this, but Daniel isn't good when it comes to being social. He's nervous and timid, and a little bit anti-social. He sometimes would just prefer not interacting with people, but usually gets forced into them by either Amanda or social situations or school. Daniel usually doesn't approach people without reason - When he does, he then has trouble gaining the confidence to go over to them, and would over-think pretty much everything. Sometimes he'll just throw his logic out of the window and just charge over. Then make himself look like a socially awkward derp. Daniel tends to over-rely on logic opposed to emotion, when he makes decisions. When he gets super nervous, he may not be able to put a sentence together. Daniel usually speaks quickly and tries to be concise as possible. Daniel tends to touch stuff when he's nervous - Which is most of the time he's talking to people. He also has a habit of touching people - However, he's cordial enough to ask before he starts touch, except he'll ask very nervously. It isn't the sexual kind of touching people, he would grace a person's skin, before pulling away. Daniel has an interest in girls, and is quite susceptible to them. If there's anyone he likes to be around, it is girls. However, he doesn't even come close to knowing how to talk to girls. So, he can't really say anything that'd sweep a girl off her feet. The best he can flirt is by saying "You're pretty" - Which comes off as hilarious since he can't see. He does have the blindness advantage, girls flock to him because they think he's adorable! Daniel sometimes comes off as an pervert, especially when he asks to touch a girl. [b]Favorite activities/hobbies:[/b] Alright, this may not be a skill, but there's that thing about blind people where their senses are enhanced. Not exactly true - The elimination of one sense makes the brain pay more attention to the other senses. Daniel has learned to rely on hearing and touch to get around. He has also learned Echolocation (Yes it's possible for humans). He can use sound to find his way around the area. Daniel is rather intelligent, and is easily able to piece together things faster, and with less obvious hints, than other people. He also has a high situational awareness. [b]Favorite object:[/b] Maxxtoron is my favorite object. [b]Backstory:[/b] F*ck off.[/hider]