[hider=Maria Cuneo-Vidal][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Maria Valcaz CĂșneo-Vidal[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]The Desert Wind[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Height:[/b] 5'7 [b]Weight:[/b] 141 [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dark-Brown [b]Eye Color:[/b] Dark Grey [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Hispanic - Mexican [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Maria appears and acts like a woman in her late twenties despite being a century old. Maria is a very slim and average heighted woman, having almost no visible body fat. Only muscle. She appears to be Hispanic, with dark-brown skin, she's specifically a native Mexican. Maria's body is covered in a myriad of scars. On her face, on her limbs, all over her body. She lived a lifetime of the most brutal violence around, it's natural. She has an athletic build, and has broad, thick, shoulders, with a bulky frame that wouldn't look out of place on an athlete. All without muscles. Maria's limbs are a bit long, with her legs making up a bit of her height. Her limbs are slender, with her fingers long and bony. Maria has a rounded diamond shaped head, with rounded facial features. She has a large head, which gets more streamlined as it goes down. Her chin is rather pointed, but still strong looking. She doesn't have a pronounced jawline of the sorts. Maria has small, full lips which appear to be wide. Maria's nose is a bit large, it's triangle points forward a few centimeters. Her nostrils are also triangle-shaped. The bridge up to her nose is quite long too. Maria has smooth, hard to notice, cheekbones. Maria's eyes are strange, as a result of her power. Her eyes are very large, and abnormally shaped, and are purple, and appear as if she doesn't have an iris. Her eyes are just all purple. Her forehead is quite large, she has a massive forehead of doom. Maria's hair is a very dark shade of brown and is very curly. She doesn't keep it in any particular style, it just hangs off the back of her head all the way to her back. [b]Attire:[/b] Maria dresses up more like a Muslim woman than a Mexican. She wears a tight outfit that covers up as much of her body as possible. Long sweaters, masks, jeans, body armor, trench coats, that kind of thing. She wears a mask around her face, so the only thing you can see is some of her face. Whenever she runs into a fight, she usually wears goggles. On Maria's hips are two gun holsters, where she keeps her pistols ready. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] A cold and calculated human being. A life of crime and violence has turned Maria into a monster, the Desert Wind, as she called herself. One that lusts for power, a power she will use for her own reasons. She is not afraid of killing anyone who gets in her with impunity, merely because it was the way. When she talks, she talks like a leader, the head honcho you don't want to screw with, but can be quite sarcastic. However, Maria does have some semblance of morality. She will not intentionally cause collateral damage, nor will she injure the young. Everyone else is fair game though. She will treat her underlings fairly. If someone is useless to her, they will cut them loose, and that will be the end of it. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] N/A [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] The good old Mexican Cartels and living life on the streets as a child has taught her a few things. First, she knows combat like the back of her hand. She's not professionally trained, but very experienced. She knows how to use a wide variety of guns, including assault rifles. She's also good with a knife and hand to hand. She's very quick on her feet, and can climb well. She has spent her younger years as a pick pocket, she can yoink a wallet like it's nothing. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] A beaten up barbie doll that Maria stole from some tourist girl when she . [b]Quote(s):[/b] [b]History/Bio:[/b] Classified, but Maria served the Mexican cartels ever since she got her powers. She was forced to fight for them, kill for them, and damn right she did it well. They molded her into what she is. Now after a few incidents... She wants that power for herself. So she killed the people who she once served and went straight to America. She went to High-Roller heights to engage in some classic villainy. Robbing banks, kicking over baby carriages, and drinking the tears of orphans. Now, she is gathering an army of Meta-humans for something thing big. Who knows what. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] Dead [b]Friends:[/b] Also pretty dead [b]Enemies:[/b] White people, the cartel, and white people. [b]Lovers:[/b] The world's best looking sandcastle. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Single [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Elemental/Anatomical [b]Power:[/b] [i]Macro-Sand Manipulation.[/i] Maria can control every drop of sand perfectly within 500 kilometers to herself. She can do all the usual stuff elemental types can do. Move sand, make constructs with it, as well as the ability to create sand. She can summon sand storms, bury cities with ease, and tear through people like it's nothing. Maria is especially powerful in Highroller Heights with all the sand that surrounds the city. A perk of her power allows her to sense all sand within the aforementioned range, which allows her to control sand far outside her range. Along with an ability to sense vibrations within sand. Maria herself can turn into a cloud of sand for dodging attacks, slipping into cracks, or a form of stealth. A perk of turning into sand is that she has two forms of regeneration. First, she can turn into sand to fix any physical damage, and second, she can draw sand into her wound to repair the damage. Maria's final and more dangerous ability is that she can turn her surroundings into sand. People, objects, animals, they'll slowly wither into sand. The closer they are to her, the better it works. Anything she touches can be instantly turned into sand. Don't ask how she can do that, it's just cool. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] THERE ARE NONE. SHE IS UNSTOPPABLE. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Maria will be bad guy one, in a long line of evil villains.[/hider]