[hider=Cyril Noctis][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Cyril Emilio Noctis[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]The Gambler[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Height:[/b] 5'4 [b]Weight:[/b] 100 [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Sandy Blond [b]Eye Color:[/b] Pale-Blue [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Polish [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Cyril is a man that always seems cocky, full of himself. The way he always has a grin on his face and seems like he can handle any situation, even when faced with overwhelming odds. Cyril is a short man (5'4), and has a very thin frame. He is of Polish descents, thus Caucasian. His skin is a light color, but not pale. His skin is far from perfectly clear, he's covered in scars, slashing and burn scars. One particularly large scar starts at his right shoulder, and goes around his chest, stopping a few inches from his waist. He has a thin slashing scar across his neck, over his throat. Like someone tried slashing his throat but didn't pierce his jugular and windpipe. That isn't the end of his injuries. Upon inspection of his right hand, one may notice that he's missing half of his index and middle fingers. Right above the joint, he's missing his fingers. Cyril jokingly says that he lost it in a bet. Cyril has been blessed with good genes, since he's quite attractive, albeit he looks quite feminine in the facial features, near androgynous. He has a strong, handsome face, with pronounced facial features. His head is heart shaped, and his facial features are squared. He has sparkling olive-green eyes. That are small, but narrow, and. His eyebrows are cut into a smooth and narrow line. His cheeks are thick are full, they stick out whenever he smiles. His lips are slightly above average in terms of size, but are rather thick, and a little girly. Cyril's nose is short, but he has wide nostrils, and a long and wide nose bridge. Cyril's chin is very pointed, but small and well-defined. His forehead is a bit large, but nothing people will notice right off the bat. Cyril's hair is a sandy, blond color. It's straight, but he keeps it cut short and bushy. Cyril has little body hair, he likes to keep it that way. He shaved his chest, armpits (And down there). Few will see that he has hair on his arms and legs. [b]Attire:[/b] Cyril's style is generally a classy and neat outfit. He'll wear dress shirts/pants, frilled shirts, jackets, coats, dancing shoes, sometimes suits and ties. Colors won't matter to him. He absolutely loathes jeans and tshirts (And people who wear those), so he won't be caught dead in those. Cyril is the kind of guy that has his ears pierced, he is often seen with gold ear-rings. However, once the moment is right, Cyril will trade good-looking attire for practical wear. Usually held in one hand is Cyril's scepter. It is a long, black, regal-looking item that has the appearance of a wand and has gold bands around the center and the tip of it. At the very top of the scepter, there is a strange, glowing, pear-shaped crystal. This crystal is somewhat large, shaped like a pear (Except pointier), and carved expertly like a diamond. Sometimes he's even seen wearing a gold-painted crown with the same crystals as the crown jewels. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] Cyril is a naturally adventure-loving person, but is quite sarcastic. Sometimes he's very uninterested and will convey that disinterest through looking away, rolling his eyes up into his head, or playing with his thumbs, or random objects. But when he's 'interested' he speaks like a charming individual that always knows what to say, and speaks with confidence. All without coming off as arrogant or egotistical. He tends to give the impression of a loner with a mysterious past that's full of dark secrets and action. But in truth, he's more of a person that prefers action over words. He's more than willing to blow off someone he thinks is bragging just because he doesn't believe them. He's quite easy to annoy, however, mostly by people who talk too much. Cyril values the quiet type that speaks with action. However he has his own coping mechanism and will respond to being annoyed with copious amounts of sarcasm. Which to say the least, he's always being an utter smartass about even the slightest thing that annoys him. Cyril usually interacts with whoever he finds interesting, or may be useful as an ally. Though, Cyril has a habit of making enemies because of his sarcastic attitudes and overall contempt for some people for even the slightest offense. Acting like some people are nothing more than annoying, and thus, not worth his time. It is worth noting that Cyril generally gets along better with girls than guys. Surprisingly, he acts like a ladies man, and treats (Most) women with respect and kindness. He usually goes out of his way to talk to the girl if there's a group, ignoring whether or not she seems to be the leader. What else is notable is that Cyril shows much contempt when it comes to other males. Ignoring them, and being, well, a jerk towards them, which goes to homophobic levels. What's worse is that he really hates it when another man touches him. His reaction will be severe, getting violent quite fast (Girls are fine with this). It's all because of an earlier traumatic experience he had as a kid, but that's for later. When fighting males, Cyril is a vicious opponent, and is quite ruthless. There may be some boys that Cyril will be fine with, if they prove themselves to him. But even then, he'll have problems with them. Cyril isn't exactly a natural born leader. He's seen as guy that's in it for himself. Merely because he's great at watching his own back. Cyril works fine in teams. Just teams that don't have him as the leader. He's good at tactics and planning. Or he thinks he is. Give him a few minutes, and he'll make up a plan to defeat the main villain. Though, his downfalls tends to be his habits of over complicating things, and making complex plans for simple things. He has a habit of hating defeat, and loving victory. He'll do anything to win, or at least seem like the victor. Even going to petty, hypocritical levels. Even if he can't seem like the victor, he'll try his best to get "even" even if it means that he'll break a few rules and cross a few lines. It doesn't matter to him, all that he cares about is being the winner. In terms of morality, Cyril is more-or-less chaotic neutral. As in he does whatever he wants to do, good or bad. Though, he won't do acts of either without good reason or advancing his own goals. Unless it comes to stealing, Cyril was trained to be a thief. He won't hesitate to just swipe what he wants. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Poker, magic shows, women, etc. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Cyril is quite versatile in his many skills. He's a natural born-thief. He knows many techniques that would get a person like him arrested for awhile. Picking locks, hotwiring cars, leaving behind no evidence or fingerprints, and being stealthy. He's quite experienced in combat, being in more situations than he could count. Other than that, Cyril knows a wide variety of other noncombat skills. Cyril is a great dancer, he's trained and practiced himself in the area. He's the best at ballroom dancing. I'll have you know that I have zero knowledge in dancing, so forgive me. Cyril has also done some acting, and is quite convincing when he fakes emotion - Which has benefited him during interactions with people. Cyril knows how to paint, cook, and bake. Cyril has limited knowledge of instruments, he knows how to play the flute. The only other instrument Cyril knows is the Triangle! The electric triangle. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] Cyril's scepter. [b]Quote(s):[/b] [i]"Pick a card, any card."[/i] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] Cyril's parents are Cooper, and Marissa Noctis. His grandparents (On his father's side) are long dead, and on his mother's side, his grandparents are active, but slowly dying from cancer. Cyril has many brothers and sisters, at least seven. [b]Friends:[/b] There's allies that Cyril has made over the years. Going from town to town, city to city [b]Enemies:[/b] Men, people who best him, and everyone whom played against him in poker. Jason Valos is one person Cyril hates with all his heart. [b]Lovers:[/b] Morgana Ogmer, his partner in crime and longtime friend. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Dating [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Elemental/Extra-Sensory [b]Power:[/b] [i]Casinomancery.[/i] Cyril is a meta-human, with a power he calls Gambling magic. It gives him a sort of control over all things you'd see in a casino (Cards, Dice, Roulette Wheels, etc). He can move them, make them bigger, infuse them with different elements (Fire, ice, electricity, etc) and so on. Usually he uses poker cards in fights which he can make razor sharp. Cyril also has a form of teleportation involving poker cards. He can switch places with a poker card. There are few limits to them. In a fight he throws 52 cards in the air around an opponent and rapidly teleports, attacking them with each blink. The power also makes Cyril supernaturally lucky in the way that outcomes are more favorable for him. Not in the way he'll find a million dollars lying, but it's much more subtle. Like he'll have a higher chance of winning a bet, or the guy chasing after him will trip over the next stick. Cyril also posses a form of precognition when it comes to casinos. He'll always know the next move someone pulls in poker, and knows what numbers he'll get when he rolls a roulette wheel. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] - The casino magic makes Cyril schizophrenic. He'll start to see things, like people's eyes replaced with spades, or sometimes everything looks like it's made entirely out of poker cards. Stuff like that. The more he uses his magic, the worse the effects will get until he reaches the point where he'll drop on his knees and scream into the sky. - Cyril is very adverse to males to the point of homophobia. Don't expect him to get along that well with that. - Hates defeat - Humorously short. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/hider]