[hider=Morgana Ogmer][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Morgana Ella Ogmer[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]The Pumpkin Witch[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Height:[/b] 5'6 [b]Weight:[/b] 100 [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dyed Bright red. Naturally light-brown [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian - Brish and Irish [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Morgana takes the appearance of a sleepy woman. She constantly walked around with a blank, bored, sleepy expression on her face. Her expression barely changes, no matter what happens. The most change that'd happen is a lazy grin creeping up on her face when something amusing happens. The way she walks around is like a high-class super-model on the runway, she's always strutting it, and walking like a super-star. Morgana is a slim girl, she doesn't have a super impressive body. Her curves are rather flat, and unappealing. Morgana's limbs are a bit long, with her legs making up a bit of her height. Her limbs are slender, with her fingers long and bony. Morgana is Danish, and she has whitish, near-pale, skin. A skin that is clear of imperfections like scars or blemishes. Morgana's body underneath her clothing is covered in these strange fire-like tattoos that encompasses her her body and are all connected. Morgana has a rounded diamond shaped head, with rounded facial features. She has a large head, which gets more streamlined as it goes down. Her chin is rather pointed, but still strong looking. She doesn't have a pronounced jawline of the sorts. Morgana has small, full lips which appear to be wide. Morgana's nose is a bit large, it's triangle points forward a few centimeters. Her nostrils are also triangle-shaped. The bridge up to her nose is quite long too. Morgana has smooth, hard to notice, cheekbones. Morgana's eyes are strange, as a result of her power. Her eyes are very large, and abnormally shaped, and are purple, and appear as if she doesn't have an iris. Her eyes are just all purple. Morgana's hair is dyed bright red, and is very curly. She doesn't keep it in any particular style, it just hangs off the back of her head all the way to her shoulders. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] It's hard to gauge Morgana's personality, because she barely shows any though words. Morgana never talks. She communicates with people using body language and sometimes writing it down. She can be heard giggling when something amuses her - Which a lot of things does, mostly things that should threaten her. When Morgana does talk, she only does it briefly, and people tend to listen. Even though, her voice is very high pitched and girly. Morgana is a noble person, willing to do what's right to help people. Though, she's not the super devote hero, and tends to fall into selfishness quite often. That said, Morgana, when faced with an actuate threat, tends to be near sociopathic. Ruthless and unfeeling towards her enemies. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Plants, Cyril, amusing people. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Morgana is very observant, she's the kind of person that silently watches from a distance, picking up details and facts. Mixed with her uncanny silence and sneaking skills, she calls herself a good spy. Morgana is also unmatched when it comes to gardening. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] A garden. [b]Quote(s):[/b] [i]"Hehehehehehehe...."[/i] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] She ate them. [b]Friends:[/b] Them too. [b]Enemies:[/b] Anyone who steps on grass. [b]Lovers:[/b] Cyril. Her one and only. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Dating. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Plant/Elemental [b]Power:[/b] [i]Chlorokinetic-Body.[/i] Morgana has an interesting body, she is a walking, living, breathing plant in a human shape. She can turn her body into any plant or vegetation imaginable, shaping it into weapons, extra-limbs, and so forth. She can also create any consumable plant or vegetable by willing it. Her biology is also drastically different from humans, it's more of plant biology. In place of blood, she has various plant liquids (Water, Green Chlorophyll, Etc) constantly being transported. She doesn't have a  circulatory system like humans do. Morgana has a vascular system, that that is similar to the blood vessels in animals. However rather then having a heart to move her fluids about; other forces are utilized (Root pressure, etc). Therefore she has no heartbeats, because she has no functioning heart. Her biology/body is drastically different from humans, but still retains a few key features that allows her to function/appear as a human. Morgana "breathes" through her skin, and she can create oxygen in the process. It's simple, she breathes by 'inhaling' carbon dioxide and 'exhaling' oxygen, creating a constant amount of oxygen for everyone to use! Sorry, I was getting a little too science-y. Because of her alternate biology, she has a form of regeneration. By forcing her body to grow new plant matter to repair damage. Depending on what's damaged, this can be near instantaneous. Usually it's automatic and body-wide, but she can selectively regenerate any part of her body. She can also draw/absorb other plant matter to repair the damaged tissue. Replacing a lost limb is elementary. Morgana is resistant to diseases and toxins. Some plants deal with infection/poison by simply killing off the infected tissue and expelling it before it spreads. She'll lose a bit of matter, but Maria can quickly regenerate the lost tissue. She can control and secrete pheromones that are generated from plants, which can allow her to draw a swarm of insects to herself, or repel them. Useless ability, but is cool to have. Morgana also has a connection to other plants. She can sense them in the immediate area, and instinctively gain information about them (which part of their life cycle they're in, what kind of plant they are, etc, etc). Morgana can also sense through them if she focuses. You see, to an extent, plants can feel, smell, and taste (There's also a theory that they can hear, but nah). Well, it's mostly limited to other plants. Plants can feel, and Morgana knows what they feel. Such as a gust of wind, or someone touching them, she has long learned the difference. Now, Morgana can do the usual manipulation of plants other than herself. She can freely manipulate the growth and size, and exercises precise control over them. Making them grow to exponential levels. She can control wood, vines, plants, moss and fungus, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. She can use the plants around her to both attack and defend herself from harm. Her ability requires her feet be on the ground, otherwise her control is severely weakened. She generally exerts physical force by stomping her feet or digging her fingers into the soil, to increase her power to amazing levels. Maria can basically control all plants, and is all powerful in woods. Not too much to describe here, since you should already know what she can do. Her last ability, to make her even more overpowered, is Plant-Based Resurrection. In short, if she dies, her body withers away and turns into dust, then a little seed comes out. If this seed is currently in contact with dirt (Doesn't matter if soil or not) it'll dig itself in. Then the seed will grow another body over the course of a few days. She'll return to an earlier age, the exact point where she got her powers back in her teens. She's functionally immortal. Of course, if it isn't by dirt, then someone will have to plant it or else she'll be in her dormant seed state. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Morgana's body is very frail and easy to damage, while she can turn into wood, that isn't the most durable material. She can get destroyed very easily, but fortunately, she can regenerate. Morgana is weak against plant destroying elements such as fire, lightning, ice, and poisons. Fire and heat are her primary weakness, however. If she's on fire, her regeneration will be severely slowed until the flame is extinguished. Getting burned to ash can also kill Morgana for good. Morgana's strength depends on how many plants are around, if she's in a desolate area, she's not that hard to beat. Mostly because she's not that powerful by herself. If she's deprived of sunlight for too long, then she'll become sluggish and slow - Eventually she'll shut down and remain dormant until she gets sunlight again. She needs to be without sunlight for a day or so for this to occur. However, if she uses up all of her energy by using her powers, and is without sunlight for a long period of time, she'll go dormant anyway. If she's deprived of water, then her body will dry up and begin to wither and will gradually lose access to her plant powers, until she dies and reverts back to a seed. Morgana can be killed for good if someone were to destroy her seed, or if she dies by burning to death. Her resurrection can be interrupted if someone damages her in the process of growing a new body. If her body is destroyed during this process, she'll revert back to a seed. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/hider]