[hider=Jason Valos][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Jason Vi Valos[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Height:[/b] 5'9 [b]Weight:[/b] 152 [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Brown [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Brazilian [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] A very suave and dashing man, even while leaving his prime. His signs of age show in his wrinkles, and his tired expression. Still, he looks surprisingly good for his age. He's good-looking, but age has caught up to him and he's no where near as good as he was when he was twenty years younger. He is thin, lean, and somewhat muscular, in the way that implies he does a little bit of work. However, with his thin frame, and the kind of clothing he wears. He stands one inch below the standard male age, and weighs around one-hundred and fifty pounds. Jason's racial identity is Hispanic, but predominantly Brazilian. His skin is a darker caramel color, and is no where perfect. He has wrinkles, scars, and more scars. Jason's body is battered with an variety of scars, from fights he got into during his youth. Only one scar has managed to touch his face. A vertical scar that is over his right eye, examination will prove that it was from a knife. As it's been stated before, Jason is good looking in the facial department, he has that weathered old look that has an aura of gruff. He has a circle-shaped head, and smooth and rounded facial features. He has a large, squared and bulky chin, and a sharp jawline. He has plump cheeks, and relatively large cheekbones. His eyes are a brown color, and are medium sized with not much notable about them. He has large, high-profile, ears, that are pretty round. His nose is medium sized as well, but pretty crooked, implying it got broken a lot. Jason doesn't have much of a hairstyle. He keeps his hair shaved short. [b]Attire:[/b] Jason's style is a little tricky. He dons a mixture of a businessman and a cowboy. He wears trench coats, cowboy hats and fedoras, suits, and other fancy attire. One thing is for certain is that he gets the best clothes. It's very high profile and mysterious. When he's on more causal occasions, he wears a regular suit. However, he wears the kind of clothes that would hide a gun. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] A very charismatic and savvy man. When people speak to him, they get the impression that he's a very sociable man, always cracking jokes and being the level-headed one. Jason always knows what to say to get people on his side, or talk someone out of something he doesn't approve of. He never treats anyone unfairly who doesn't deserve it, and while he's wealthy, he rarely sees anyone below him. He's a little arrogant and egotistical, but he keeps it all in check, and doesn't let it get the best of him. He like to have fun and enjoy his wealth, even though someone his age shouldn't have that mindset anymore. However, when the situation calls for it, he can be a very serious man, that is extremely frightening once pushed. He's slow to anger, but is hard to hold back once anger. Jason is a very practical man, and his main concerns are himself, his wealth, and the Valos family. Everything else is unimportant to him. That said he's not above doing anything necessary to maintain those three things. Killing, manipulation, you get the idea. However, he still has morality and a conscious. He won't be doing any dog kicking if he can avoid it. He's very loyal to the people who earn it, and will do all he can to help them. His sex drive compels him to go bed good looking women when he gets the urge. Cheating on his wife, Gabrielle, like it's nothing. He knows what to do to make sure she doesn't find out. However, he does love her with all his heart, and would do anything for her. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Jason has an interest in guns. His favorite being pistols and revolvers. He doesn't know why, but guns are so cool to him. So much that he decided to start his own gun collection, and learn how to use guns. Jason loves sports like soccer and baseball, despite the fact he never played it once in his life. However, Jason's biggest love will always be the ladies. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Now this is where the interesting part comes: people have realized that Jason has a ridiculously wide range of skills. Like the moment he picks up something, he uses it like an expert. Even things that nobody who lived a life he has should even be able to. Shooting rifles, fixing leaks, even saying the best things to bed a lady. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] A gold plated Smith & Wesson 500. [b]Quote(s):[/b] [i]"Hmph, I may be top dog, have all the money and the women in the world, but I still go through the same problems you do, pal."[/i] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] Jason is the patriarch of the Valos family. [list] [*]Father/Mother - Unknown [*]Wife - Gabrielle Valos [*]Son - Jake Valos [*]Son - Joshua [*]Son - Jaska Valos [*]Son - Johnathon Valos [*]Daughter - Veronica Valos [*]Daughter - Ivete Valos [*]Daughter - Gabriela Valos [/list] [b]Friends:[/b] N/A (Not important, for now) [b]Enemies:[/b] A few. They're either irrelevant, or aren't worth mentioning. However, Jason has his eyes on a Meta-human gang leader that just rolled into town. [b]Lovers:[/b] More than he can count, really. Jason has, since the moment he went through puberty, chased women. So he has had a few girlfriends, wives, etc. They all fell through for their own reasons. Jason's current wife is Gabrielle Valos. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Married [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Cerebral/Extra-Sensory [b]Power:[/b] [i]Cerebral Puzzle-Solving.[/i] Jason has quite a useful, but unorthodox, ability. Jason's power is hard to explain, but I'll try my best. Basically his power instinctively and intuitively gives him step by step instructions on how to fulfill a set goal he has in mind. Think of it like a puzzle, he has the pieces, but his power tells him how to put it together. That said, his power has a quite range of capabilities. Fighting, fixing things, and the uses are endless. It also gives him a little boost by altering his body (And mind) to help him with his goal. Such as giving him a boost in agility to dodge an attack, or a bit more preciseness to avoid screwing up defusing a bomb. Finally, his power gives him instinctive information about his goal. In a similar manner to ESP. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] While Jason has an extremely powerful ability, it does come with it's drawbacks. His power gives him step by step instructions, that he must follow to continue, and he cannot "skip" a step. So the choice of action his power gives him may not be the most efficient, practical, or humane. Which means that if he disapproves of something, he's going have to come up with a solution on his own. His power also doesn't give him an instant solution to say, a complex problem. He has to work his way up to the top. Though, he can instantly solve simple problem, but he probably wouldn't even need his power, heh. However, if there's a unexpected variable in the plans his power is thrown out of whack. He'll need a few minutes to get his power together before it gives him advice. One major problem with his power is that it doesn't work too well with real living people. It can't give him exactly what he needs to say to accomplish his goal when it comes to them, it'll only give him an idea, and there's a chance he'll screw it up. So he can't say exactly what is needed to stop a man from committing suicide, or bed a lady, but he'll get an idea. Other extra-sensory/cerebral Meta-human cancel out his ability. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Jason has a collection of guns, he doesn't use them. However, when he's out on the streets, he's armed with two Smith & Wesson .44 Magnums. He keeps them hidden in his coat.[/hider]