[Hider=Caden Zorich][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Caden Istell Zorich [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] [i]Crocodile, Basilisk, King of the Snakes[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Height:[/b] 6'5 [b]Weight:[/b] 205 [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Black [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Caden is a late-teen with some odd vibes about him, he looks strange and to some downright silly. He has a very slim build, he's a bit tall. With some rather abnormally long limbs, his arms and legs are long. With his legs making up most of his immense height. He doesn't have any visible muscles or body-fat on him. In fact, if he takes off his clothes; most would faintly see his bones poking through his skin. He has rather thin shoulders. Caden has slightly tanned skin, his skin takes a darker shade of Caucasian. With many imperfections littering his skin. Most of these imperfections come in the form of scars. Over the years, Caden has intentionally gotten himself in some pretty vicious fights. Fights that'd leave people scarred for life. These scars vary in type, size and appearance (Some are burn scars, some are blade scars, you get the picture). They are scattered around his skin, and there's too many to note. None really stand out anymore. Fortunately, there are very few scars on his face. Except for one straight scar over his right eye. Caden is a very attractive looking person, despite his scars and personality. He has feminine, near androgynous facial features. Some could easily mistake him for a girl if they look at him from certain angles. Caden has a bony, yet rounded face. He has a small, inverted triangle shaped head. Which is wide at the top, and gets thinner and thinner as it goes down. Caden has a pointed chin, with a strong, sharp jaw-line to match. His cheekbones are round at the top, and get thinner and much more squared as it goes down. Similar to his head. He has a very small nose, with a small, thin bridge and large round nostrils. It's rather notable since his nose is very small compared to his other facial features. He has a small forehead, that is short, but wide in a way. Caden's eyes are a bit larger than average, they are mostly round, and have some pointed tips. There is something undeniably odd about his eyes, which are a side-effect of his powers. His iris's are pitch black, no natural color or anything. He still has the white around his iris, though. So, it's only really noticeable when someone looks in his eyes (Of madness). These eyes also look a bit feminine, adding much to his feminine vibe. He has thin average sized lips, that aren't too different or noticeable from other males. He has light freckles plastered across his face, most are around his cheeks, under his nose. Caden, when neutral, has a constant bored or emotionless facial expression. When happy, or "excited" his face often matches those depicted in movies as the killer--- Meaning he just looks crazy. Caden's hair is a jet-black color, and appears unnatural. His hair is straight, and can grow to be quite long. Caden keeps his hair in the form of several large dreadlocks all over his head, which are all medium-length. Which gives him a humorous look--- Despite his vicious personality. Caden constantly speaks with a smooth, charming British accent like the ones you'd see on TV. [b]Attire:[/b] Nothing special or striking. Caden dresses up to be bland and forgettable. On wards, he's always seen wearing a hoodie (usually grey or black) unzipped with a white T-shirt under it. He'll wear any types of pants; jeans, cargo pants, sweat pants. He needs glasses to see properly; so he wears some very round and nerdy glasses. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Caden has an elevated interest in sports like basketball, football and baseball. While he's not skilled at all at them--- he just enjoys watching it. Caden's interests also include, eldritch abominations, swashbuckling adventure heroes, sports played by meta-humans, bowties, Alice in Wonderland, darkness, and snakes. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Caden's other skills include skills include marksmanship, playing the guitar, tracking, packing things, painting, and sorting things. [b]Goals:[/b] Return to the Othergrounds [i]no matter[/i] the cost and "rescue" Lemontea and his allies. Afterwards he wants to establish meta-humans as the dominant species. In the mean time he wants to gather an army of Meta-human followers. [b]History/Bio:[/b] While Caden doesn't know this he was born from a family that'd turn out to be very wealthy. Despina Allwolds and Danik West were his parents, they lived in Columbia, South Carolina where they met in a bar really late at night and got drunk. Yeah, he's the bastard child that neither of his parents wanted and since they didn't like the concept of abortion he was almost immediately given up for adoption. Afterwards he was completely forgotten about. He didn't have a very eventful life bouncing from foster parent to foster parent basically hating each and every one of them. Most of the time they had enough of him and kicked them out where he went to another household only to repeat the same process. As he grew up he distanced himself from these foster families and tried to live as if he wasn't bound by them. Like an adult. Only failing horribly in the process. Experimenting with everything that he could until he was kicked out one more time. At this time he was fifth-teen years old, that was too old for him to be adopted again. No family simply wanted an unruly teenager under their roof. Especially since Caden had became near-sociopathic. While he was spending his last few years in the orphanage he had left, he had discovered his "gift" incidentally---- [Redacted]. Months later he had received his own letter from the Sparrowdale academy and went straight there. During his first induction... he's had some less than stellar interactions with the people that he came with. The person that he had scorned the most was Valentina Casillas. An Indian/American girl who had a rather aggressive personality. After their induction process was over, Caden had clashed several times with Valentina during his "freshman" period of the school. Which slowly escalated from verbal fights, to physical battles, to all out death-matches in the middle of the lunch-room. Before it could escalate even further the officials at the Othergrounds had stepped in and threw both of them into the Detention Center for several days. Afterwards they had quashed their rivalry. While in the eyes of the staff and students they had stopped hating each other. Their burning hatred of each other remained. After that stage had ended: Caden had learned so much from the school. Much more than simple powers. He had ideals in his head that were less than pleasant. Years passed and Caden had started his own web of friends. Some people saw him as a good person... While others saw him as a maniac ready for the kill. One person he got extremely close to was a vagrant that had lived on the street for months, she called herself Lemontea. The two had some sort of connection to each other; both were vagrants that were unwanted by their parents and they had rough sides. When they were around each other it looked like they were completely different people. Lemontea was pleasant, while Caden was more caring and empathetic (towards her). She was the person that had inspired Caden to fulfill his goal in life. For her he would make meta-human kind the dominant species. Even if many fell in the process. This plan would require him to form himself an army. Possible recruits were easy; he was in a school for Meta-humans. He also had many friends on his side. All he'd have to do is start spreading his ideals. Shortly, but surely, he had a group of people who believed in his plans. Almost everyone else called him a monster. It didn't phase him--- All that really mattered to him was that he had a small group of followers. The next step would be leaving the school. Rumors had spread of Caden's plans. Which had spread to the higher ranks of the school. They were especially wary of him, and he returned the feelings. It didn't long for Caden to form a plan for escape. Taking advantage of the school policies. If a student wanted to leave the Othergrounds they would be sedated again, and returned to the very place they came from. He thought of a plan for all of his followers to meet in one-place; Black Fall. The plan would have went smoothly if it wasn't for one... deterrent. His old rival Valentina. She had heard of Caden's plans and taunted him in a hallway. Calling him all manners of mad-man, sociopath and other terms. None of it really phased Caden and he ignored it... Until Valentina took a jab at Lemontea, then he was enraged. A short battle took place, both of them have grown so much stronger. However in the end Caden proved to be the stronger one. School officials approached the scene and Valentina was found impaled through the chest and stabbed several times. It was suspected that she was killed instantly. With Caden standing over her body. It didn't take Sherlock Holmes to put together who killed her. Caden immediately fled and attempted to escape capture. The school went into high-alert for Caden and all of his followers. It got so bad that the Headmaster himself came out to capture Caden Caden had no where to go. The school was in lockdown and there was no way of escape other than getting exiled. It was likely that they would imprison him in stasis. Through much running he eventually found himself in the plaza... Face to face with the last person he wanted to see. The Headmaster, Caden knew it had to be this way. If he was going to fall he was going to make sure that the king of them would fall first. An enormous battle took place between the two, and both were pushed to their limits. Many had gathered around the scene to watch in horror--- But, no one else intervened. This was something... Above them. As the battle got much more intense, Caden managed to get a devastating move on the headmaster; slashing him with claws of darkness that nearly took half his face off. This unfortunately had activated his Omega burst... Which was enough to take Caden down. The ambitious leader was defeated and his allies were abandoning him. Seeing him as nothing. The next day Caden found himself in the detention center. He was presented with two choices; admit to the crime and they'll let him go free, or face an eternity in stasis. Naturally Caden took the former option--- Which by go free they meant that they were going to exile him. The next moment he was sedated and hours later he was found in the very place he came from. The orphanage. It was closed down and abandoned. He broke into the place to search around in the name of memories before finding that he had left something important behind. Caden bagged this possession and left the orphanage behind him. Slowly but surely Caden spent several months moving towards the rendezvous point; Black Fall, on Lemontea's favorite park. He waited weeks for them to return. But, no one came. There was no choice, they had abandoned him. If they had abandoned them he would have to start over. That was the choice he had made. Caden went on to the streets of Black Fall to start a legend... [b]Favorite color:[/b] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] Caden's prized possession is... [Redacted] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] None, he was given up for adoption at birth. [b]Friends:[/b] Caden had gathered some friends during his various adventures. Most of them are meta-humans. Unfortunately, they were left behind as he moved forward. During his run in the Othergrounds he had gathered himself a small gang--- Unfortunately when he was thrown out of the Othergrounds they were placed in stasis for reasons unknown (he isn't aware of this). Caden's only ally is May Pimm. [b]Enemies:[/b] The entire Othergrounds. After a major incident he was kicked out of there. What exactly he did was nothing but rumors. It was suspected that he killed someone. Caden declares the school and everyone involved in it, enemies. On a personal level; Caden is enemies with Sage Pimm. [b]Lovers:[/b] The only love in his life is Lemontea. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Taken [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Elemental, Super-System, Extra-sensory, andOther [b]Power:[/b] Caden's power is essentially that of a Darkness Elemental. Not actual Darkness, a bit more like the poetic terms of Darkness. Negative Emotions, Evil, Sin--- that jazz. Now, on to what she can actually do. This power goes down several different paths fueled by his own darkness, and the darkness in others. First and main use of his power, Caden can generate jet-black smoke that has a liquidity, metallic look, from anywhere on his body. Which is essentially darkness. He can control this darkness much like the traditional elemental, he can levitate it and shape it into anything. Green Lantern style. Usually this darkness is intangible and won't have too much uses--- aside from acting as a smoke screen. However, he can solidify the darkness, and essentially create anything within reason. Green Lantern style. Weapons, Walls, Small Objects. Anything, as long as it isn't too big. His secondary use is the ability to become this darkness. While this darkness he has complete control over himself allowing him to change any each aspect of his body in order to manipulate the size, shape, and dimensions of every part of his body. One of the main uses of this power is stretching parts of his body to extend his reach. While in this form Caden can also fly, and turn into smoky darkness--- Allowing him access to everywhere that isn't sealed air tight. Caden's darkness form makes him much more resistant to damage, mostly blunt damage. This darkness isn't actual darkness, it's merely the physical manifestation of people's darkness. Making it unaffected by light and/or darkness as much as any other object. Caden's next darkness power is that he can sense the darkness in people's hearts in the vicinity. Everyone has darkness in their hearts, whether a small amount or great darkness. It's more of a people sense. When people are packed together it's near impossible to pick them apart. It's a rather irritating part of his gift. Since it takes much concentration to pick people's separate darkness apart. This ability also grants him a mental "dark-spot". If anyone with a telepathic or other cerebral-type ability tries to enter his mind, all they'll see is darkness. This power grants him complete immunity to all cerebral powers that could affect his mind. Caden can also "shadow-step". It's a simple teleportation where he takes himself (in darkness form) apart and puts it back together at a location of choice. It can be anywhere his eye can see, from short distances to long distances. However, larger distances can be quite taxing on him. Caden can do this ability quite often, almost seconds after preforming it again. He usually does this ability while in fights, teleporting behind and to the sides of his opponents. Avoiding damage while maximizing it to them. Caden has much skill with his ability. Inventing advanced fighting techniques and mixing his ability to teleport, and sense people's darkness with high speed, hard hitting attacks. There are also a few more secret abilities that Caden has at his disposal. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Caden's darkness power is fueled by his own Negative emotions/thoughts, Sin and it's supplied by others. It's mostly supplied by the form. So if he's alone or with a few people then his powers will be much weaker. His power requires absolute calmless (or apathy) to be used at full strength. Bearing strong emotions will cause his powers to fluxed between normal power and significantly weaker. While he's his Darkness form he doesn't have any form of intangibility. He'll take damage like a solid normal human being, though he can take quite a bit of blunt damage. This unfortunately doesn't apply to slice attacks and etc. His mental dark-spot also has a weakness. It only works if he's at full strength, if he gets too injured/distracted it won't work. It also won't work if he shows strong emotion. [b]Burst Potential:[/b] Alpha, Zeta, Gamma, Omega and Theta [b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/hider]