[hider=Colin Pimm][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Colin Timothy Pimm[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] [i]Cheeks[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Height:[/b] 5'4 [b]Weight:[/b] 183 [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Bright Blonde [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue [b]Ethnicity:[/b] American [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Colin is a short and young looking child. He has similar features to the rest of his family. Colin doesn't exactly have the best looking build. People will notice the pot-belly that sticks out of the clothes he wears. He also has chubby arms and legs. Most of the time he'll look like he can't exactly run that fast. He has a pudgy, rounded face. With wide and round cheekbones. In fact, he has the single largest cheek bones in the Pimm family. People often mock him for this. He has short, small rounded ears that are normally hidden under his hair style. Colin has a short nose with very wide nostrils. His lips are very small and thin to the point where people often forget that they're even there. His eyes are small and have a pretty shade of blue. Most of the time Colin sports a facial expression of determination, obedience and respect constantly. Which is a reference to his obedient personality. Colin has olive-colored Caucasian skin. If it didn't have a few scars and the several stretch marks on him, then it may have been considered good looking skin. There is a few notable scars on him. One scar is a particularly ugly looking one. It's a jagged scar that rests on his forehead above his right eyeball. This scar is bright red colored and appears to have been made recently. The next scar he has is on his right shoulder, down past his chest all the way to his thigh. This scar looks like he was impaled with four long needles and it was dragged through his flesh. When he's asked about this he usually doesn't answer or tense up. Colin has short, straight, blonde hair. It doesn't have a particular style since it's cut very short. [b]Attire:[/b] Colin has a rather exquisite wardrobe. One thing that can be noticed is that he always wears something blue. Whether it's a blue tuxedo or a blue t-shirt. It can be any shade of blue. Other than that his exact outfit changes day to day. One thing he can be seen wearing is something rather goofy. A large top-hat, which has a thin-brim and is high up. This top-hat is colored bright blue and down the middle and sides has golden studs in it. This is his favorite hat in the world. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] His interests include plush animals, painting, and environmentalism. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Colin's skills include woodcarving, glassblowing, baking, lying, public speaking, painting and marksmanship. [b]Goals:[/b] Find a way to permanently separate himself from the Pimm family and start living life. In his own way. [b]Favorite color:[/b]  [b]Prized Possession:[/b] Colin's hat. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] Colin belongs to a wealthy family, known as the Pimm Family. [list] [*]Mother: Close relationship [*]Father: Close Relationship [*]Maternal Grandmother: Distant relationship [*]Maternal Grandfather: Distant relationship [*]Paternal Grandmother: Distant relationship [*]Paternal Grandfather: Distant relationship [*]Maternal aunt: Disappeared [*]Paternal aunt: Deceased [*]Paternal aunt: Distant relationship [*]Maternal aunt: Normal relationship [*]Paternal uncle: Normal relationship [*]Maternal uncle: Distant relationship [*]Maternal uncle: Normal relationship [*]Paternal uncle: Distant relationship [*]Brother (1): Friendly [*]Brother (2): Friendly [*]Sister (1): Never knew (alive) [*]Sister (2): Hated [*]Sister (3): Estranged [*]Sister (4): Very close relationship [/list] [b]Friends:[/b] N/A [b]Enemies:[/b] Colin has one personal enemy, his second sister May Pimm. Other than that he's naturally enemies with the Valos family. [b]Lovers:[/b] None [b]Marital Status:[/b] Single  [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Cerebral [b]Power:[/b] [i]Phantasm Puppetry.[/i] Colin can create translucent silhouettes of himself that exactly mimic his current appearance. Colin calls these "Puppets". One aspect of them is that they're nearly impossible to see (when they're under certain lights they appear to be white and transparent). When people look at them they'll appear like vaguely shaped masses of blurry air. The Puppets can interact with the physical world much like their master does. They can pick up stuff, attack people, etc. These Puppets feel exactly like glass and often when they walk they sound exactly like a bottle taking footsteps. They do anything that Colin commands them to do, there is no limit. He controls the Puppets like he's controlling himself, it's exactly like if he was controlling multiple people at once. Colin can see, taste, feel, and smell through the Puppets and he feels what they feel. He can only create five at a time (More on this in the weaknesses section) A use for this power that Colin has discovered is that he can "Infuse" them into objects. In order to enhance specific property's of said object. Generally, the linked object becomes more robust and less prone to wear, however additional traits can be added depending on the linked object. For example, Colin could infuse one of his puppets into his hat and it'd be hard as body armor. Abilities that Colin will unlock once he advances his powers are; the ability to control the Puppet's size and shape, the ability to make them levitate and possibly he can separate his consciousness from his body and become a ghost. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Puppets under certain frequencies of lights can be revealed. Under all Ultraviolet lights these Puppets will immediately be revealed to the world. Ironically, blue colors in the optical spectrum allow people to see them easily. Allowing people ease at attacking them. Puppets aren't completely invisible--- Only really hard to see. Someone up close can see it better than someone a mile away. The Puppets aren't very durable, they're actually strong as glass. One strong hit and they'll shatter completely. All it takes is shattering it and they'll be destroyed. Colin can only create five at a time--- But, the more he controls at one time, the harder it'll be to control all of them. The most Puppets Colin can create in a day is ten. If he tries to make more they'll instantly shatter and it'll wear him out. [b]Burst Potential:[/b] Delta, Gamma and Theta [b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/hider]