[hider=May Pimm][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]May Rhea Pimm[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Height:[/b] 5'7 [b]Weight:[/b] 156 [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Sandy Blonde [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue [b]Ethnicity:[/b] American/Caucasian [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] May is a very odd looking person. She is mutated physically. While she isn't as mutated as other Meta-humans, she still has some very major mutations. Before I get into them, I guess I'll go into her basic features before. Like the rest of her siblings and lineage she shares similar features to them. Blonde hair, blue eyes, Caucasian skin. She has a slender athletic build, like in between skinny and muscular. Meaning she has muscles in some places but not everywhere. Because of her athletic nature, there's little to none visible fat on her. May has long limbs, with longer fingers. She has an inverted triangle shaped head. With a well-defined and slightly wrinkled face. Her cheekbones are round and large, much like her siblings. Just not as notable. Her forehead is very wide, most of it is covered by her hair, however. Her lips are very thick and full, her mouth is also slightly larger than average. Her ears are small, and slightly pointed at the top. These ears are usually hidden under her hair. Her nose is long and wide, her wide nostrils are one of the more notable things about her face. May's skin is bisque colored and she has very few scars, they don't have any stories attached to them. Her face is covered in pimples and she does have one small scar on her right cheek. Now for May's physical mutations. She has wings, scary eyes, claws and a tail. Her wings are dark-blue colored. Her wings have a very wide girth, each of her wings are dragon-like and have thick skin. These wings are seven-feet wide, and three-feet long. At the top of her wings are two "fingers" which he can twitch around (that's just about it). Another thing she can do is fold the skin on her wings making them thin as her wing bones and easy to compact for later use. These wings don't give her the ability to fly at all. Though she does have alternative means of flight. Fortunately these wings are easily concealed in the heavy clothing she wears. May's eyes are heavily animal-like. These eyes are very large and wide, appearing much like the eyes of snakes. Her eyes are golden colored and her iris are two horizontally positioned lines. May's tail is thin, at least two two inches toward in circumference. This tail is four feet long and ends in a heart-shaped tip. Her tail can easily be wrapped around her leg as she walk around. [b]Attire:[/b] May wears extravagant clothing, taking advantage of her family's money. To hide her mutations she tends to wear heavy clothing. One thing that she's always seen wearing is a large flamingo-feather coat. This coat is bright-pink and made out of actual flamingo feathers. This coat is also very long and goes down past her knees. Under this coat May usually wears a suit of any color or a shirt and pants. To cover up her eyes, May sports a pair of sunglasses with red shades with pointed tips. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] May likes western novels, mice, clowns, fantasy movies, and fighter jets. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] May is very skilled in soccer, and the extravagant kind of dancing (like ballroom dancing). While this may not be a skill, she believes that she's good at manipulation and fear tactics on her enemies.. [b]Goals:[/b] Usurp the Valos family, ruin them. She also wishes to serve Caden and work towards his goals. [b]Favorite color:[/b] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] Her Flamingo Coat. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] [list] [*]Mother: Close Relationship [*]Father: Distant relationship [*]Maternal Grandmother: Strained relationship [*]Maternal Grandfather: Strained relationship [*]Paternal Grandmother: Close relationship [*]Paternal Grandfather: Friendly relationship [*]Maternal aunt: Disappeared [*]Paternal aunt: Deceased [*]Paternal aunt: Distant relationship [*]Maternal aunt: Strained relationship [*]Paternal uncle: Strained relationship [*]Maternal uncle: Distant relationship [*]Maternal uncle: Distant relationship [*]Paternal uncle: Distant relationship [*]Brother (1): Hated [*]Brother (2): Abusive Relationship [*]Sister (1): Distant Relationship [*]Sister (2): Friendly Relationship [*]Sister (3): Very close relationship [/list] [b]Friends:[/b] Caden [b]Enemies:[/b] The Valos Family, and her sibling Sage. [b]Lovers:[/b] Interested in Caden (though he doesn't return the feelings) [b]Marital Status:[/b] Single [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Chemical (Main Class), Super-system and Elemental [b]Power:[/b] As stated in her appearance; May has some physical mutations. She can also extend her fingers into one and a half foot long needles. Turning them into claws. These claws are razor sharp and can easily slash through people's throats. Though, they're very fragile. This isn't even May's main power--- She's a walking drug factory. She has the ability to generate a bright pink gas from her sweat pores that flows like smoke. This gas has a eerie, yet spiritual feel. This gas randomly sparkles when people looks at it. When anyone inhales this gas (even in the slightest) they'll start to receive the effects of this gas. The effects depends on how much they breathe in, or how much they get "dosed". Lower dosages of it will cause pleasant feelings, and a slight reduction of pain. Higher dosages will cause people to feel so good that they won't be able to move, their injuries start to be healed and apathy. Rendering them easy to be exploited by May. This gas is highly addictive. It's also very difficult for people to overdose--- They would have to have inhaled a lot of it. In fights May uses this gas to distract her opponents with how good they are feeling. Her main tactic is prolonging the fight long as possible while drugging up her enemies until they're at her mercy. Speaking of which, May is immune to the effects of the gas. May can also transform her body into this gas, she'll be able to move like the gas and fly. Allowing attacks to past right through her, making her near-invincible while in fights. This gas form allows her to go anywhere that isn't sealed air tight. Making her quite useful in scouting and infiltration. While she's in gas-form, she won't be able to control her gas or create anymore. May's outfit is incorporated into her transformation. If a part of May is inhaled while she's in gas-form, then she'll promptly regenerate it. One thing May can do is partially turn into the gas. In this partial form she'll become much more mobile and will be able to control and create gas. May won't be too  strong in either categories. She'll still be tangible and people will be able to attack her. [b]((This ability will only be used for story purposes. Nor will it be used on characters without permission))[/b] May's gas form also gives her a sinister ability. If someone is injured enough, or drugged enough; she can physically fly into their body and take control of their body. She'll receive their memories and have the same amount of control over them as she does herself. If she tries this while someone isn't weak enough then they'll easily be able to resist and may inhale a bit of her. This ability has a time-limit, she can only use it for a day's tops and after a few hours the body can reject her and regain control. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] May's gas has three main oppositions. Water, Heat and Cold. When her gas comes in contact with water, a chemical reaction takes place that neutralizes the gas. Intense heat and cold will also neutralize the gas. Strong winds can blow the gas away. One of May's biggest weaknesses is her gaseous form. Since in her alternate form she is made out of the gas, people still get the same effects that it usually does. If someone were to inhale her completely then she'd be killed instantly. Even if a small part of her gets inhaled then she'd feel extreme amounts of pain. She can be heavily injured by intense heat and cold, and being braced with any kind of water will cause her to revert back to her human form. [b]Burst Potential:[/b] Delta, Zeta, and Omega [b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/hider]