[hider=Matthias Oxenford][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Matthias Landon Oxenford[/i] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [i]The Cockroach[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Height:[/b] 6'0ft [b]Weight:[/b] 153lb [b]Status:[/b] New Student [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black [b]Eye Color:[/b] Olive [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian - Spanish, English, Dutch, & Iroquois [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Matthias is a tall, slender and lanky fellow for his age, he looks like a Jewish teenager. He doesn't have much mass to his body anything, he's skin and bones. Matthias's limbs are extra long, with his legs making up most of his height. He has a slouch in his stance, and takes slow and large steps when he walks, but are steady, trying to cover plenty of distance, but at the same time, trying not to step on things, or trip - He can also be seen watching his steps. His feet are also rather large (You know what that means, ladies) and he has large squared hands, with long fingers. His skin isn't perfect, slightly pale, like the kind of person who doesn't get a lot of sunlight. His body strangely doesn't have a single mark on him. No scars, no marks, perfectly clear, like he never was injured once in his life. Matthias has a few tattoos on his being. One on the right side of his chest of a black-inked heart with an arrow through it (With some slight blood) that says [i]Love and War[/i]. He also a tattoo on the side of his neck that says [i]Cut here.[/i] Matthias could be considered somewhat attractive, he's more plain than anything. He has squared and pronounced facial features, with a large chin with a cleft and a rather dull jawline. He has a rather large and round nose, with a thick nose bridge, and nice and large nostrils. His ears are small but quite rounded. He has rather sharp and piercing eyes, that are small, and slightly slanted. Matthias has a head of straight black hair, neck-length, slicked back and brushed over his ears. [b]Attire:[/b] Matthias doesn't dress to impress, long as it matches, he'll wear it. He'll wear jeans, T-shirts, jackets, hats, and so on. That said, he doesn't have a style. He's sometimes seen wearing glasses. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Outward & Innate Personality:[/b] A very laid-back person. He doesn't really do the social game too well. He usually takes a backseat role when it comes to interaction, and rarely approaches anyone. He has very low self-esteem, and is somewhat cynical and pessimistic. He doesn't think anyone would really be interested in him, which is apart of the reason why he's so cut off from the rest of the world. Though, he's perfectly capable of keeping a conversation going - People who talk to him learn that he's rather humble, and calm, a nice person to talk to. Matthias is rather perverted when it comes to the ladies. He'll ogle girls and indulge in other acts of perversion - Long as he doesn't get caught that is, he tries to keep it in wraps, and not do anything too obvious. Matthias has a strong desire to help those around him, and heavily believes in taking responsibility for one's actions. He'll go help people that he thinks needs help. He doesn't have too much regard for his own personal safety, perfectly willing to do things that no one else would (Well, mostly because he can heal). Matthias doesn't seem to realize the effects of his own death on the people around him. However, he's prone to impulsive actions, and by that extent, failure. So, he tends to rush into situations and get into fights he can't win, or takes direct action where anyone else would pick a more subtle choice. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Girls, gaming, computers, science, technology, and I could go on. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Not a lot. Matthias is very good at gaming, and good with computers. He's also an expert cleaner, give him a few hours and your house will be so clean you can eat off of it. He also has basic fighting skills, but nothing that will help him win street fights. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] Nothing [b]Family:[/b] [list] Mother - Linda OxenfordFather- Graham OxenfordSister - Elizabeth OxenfordSister - Isabel OxenfordSister - Karen Oxenford[/list] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Relationships:[/b] [b]Sylvia Bertoose[/b] | [b]Bad[/b] | [b]Stranger[/b] | [i]"I thought she was pretty when I walked up... She's... an asshole."[/i] | [b]Stephen Avarian[/b] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Acquaintance[/b] | [i]"I think he's a bit weird, but I think once I get to know him, there'll be a whole another layer to him."[/i] | [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] Biological 7, Super-System 5, & Power 4 [b]Power:[/b] [i]Hyper Adaptive System.[/i] Matthias is one hard fucker to kill. He has a powerful biological power-set that renders him very difficult to kill. For starters, he has an incredibly powerful regenerative factor. Even the most deadly wounds will be closed in a few moments. He can control his regeneration to focus on healing one specific wound - because normally he'll regenerate every wound in his body at once. It also allows him to regenerate lost limbs, given the time. Matthias's regeneration isn't the only thing that makes him hard to kill, he has an adaptive system and redundant organs. These two abilities basically mean that he has zero weak points on his body, so he can treat any damage as if it was cosmetic. He either doesn't need certain lesser organs, or if an important organ is damaged another organ adapts to take it's place while he regenerates. If his eyes are taken out, he can sense through his skin, a slashed throat would have no adverse effects, etc, etc. His body can even move organs out of the way if he sees an attack coming. His body can also temporarily adapt to adversity (Adapting to heat/cold, breathing underwater or not needing air in a vacuum, etc). Matthias can also detach limbs, and control them like they were still attached to his body. When he's ready, he can just put a limb back on (His regeneration grafts it back on). It's a result of his regeneration preserving his arm, and his redundant systems stopping him from dying from blood loss. These abilities also come with being near-immune to contaminants, delayed aging, and he can't possibly go into shock. [i]Biological Template Mimicry.[/i] Matthias's body can consume a biological template of other people and animals. Once he has a template stored into his body, he is capable of a few feats. The first and foremost trait he has is that he can shape-shift into a perfect copy of that person. Right now, he's most limited to that one form, but as time goes on, he can have a bit more freedom with his shape shifting (Adjusting his features, and on the extreme shape-shifting into anyone imaginable). Another ability he has is that he has a limited form of power replication. If someone he consumes a biological sample of has a physically based or biologically based power, he will gain a weakened version of their ability (Such as Theresa's narcotic fluids and regeneration, or Henry's lizard powers). Just to clarify, he doesn't need to shape-shift into someone to use their power, and once he consumes another template, he will lose that ability. [b]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/b] Matthias's regeneration has a few weaknesses. While it's insanely fast, the more wounds he has to heal, the slower it goes overall - He can't really counteract this by focusing his regeneration. If he is stabbed and a weapon stays in the wound, his regeneration is interrupted until it's removed. Matthias can still feel pain like any other normal human being. While he can regenerate from damage to the brain, it will take awhile to heal, and it is possible to kill him with severe brain trauma. It's also possible to simply knock him unconscious. He's hard to kill, but there are ways to truly kill him. He can't keep a body part separated for too long, or else it'll decay and he won't be able to reattach it. Fortunately, he can grow a new, but it'll take awhile. Matthias can't separate his head, or split his body in half, without killing himself - He probably could, but doesn't want to risk trying. Finally, Matthias has zero defenses against mental attacks, or telepathy, so they are free to mind-rape him without resistance. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/hider]