[@Lmpkio][@Silvan Haven][@t2wave][@hatakekuro] [color=gray][b]Jason Alexander[/b][/color] [color=gray]"Haaaaaaaaah."[/color] I really couldn't help it. It was what amounted to a conditioned response from me, whenever I was confronted of that caliber of sophistry. Laughable. You had to be kidding me, woman! My little sister could run rings around this kind of talk, let alone myself. I can't speak for Harken, but do I honestly look so stupid to you? Hell, now I'm insulted. And unlike a certain Light Maker, I'm gonna act upon it. [color=gray]"Impressive. You're so quick at covering your bases, I didn't even ask why he was giving you the stink eye yet and you've already answered me."[/color] I continued, unperturbed and even allowing myself a smile. People always say it's an ugly one, but I couldn't help showing a bit of smugness. This was what a cat must have felt like while playing with it's food. [color=gray]"But that's not even your biggest mistake. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of the human body knows there's no pressure point you can 'accidentally' press to knock someone unconscious for minutes at a time."[/color] I straightened my back some, rising up an inch or two in height as if responding to my own momentum. [color=gray]"You don't 'accidentally' produce that kind of force or technique, nobody does. Who do you think you're fooling? Am I expected to believe someone elected onto the Magic Council can't even control their own power?"[/color] At this point, I was all but laughing openly as I spoke. I'm a reader by nature. I've come across plenty books regarding medicine, anatomy, and martial arts. You do the math. [color=gray]"So, unless you're saying you effectively choked him out, stop lying. It's in poor taste after that 'purity' garbage you just spewed. I mean, if you feel like that's the safer story to go with on the other hand, then..."[/color]