"Just as I said, you're still alive but in a dream world. Don't worry about being dead," Lin assured him. "So you say you manifested in a labyrinth that led to a garden shed, yes? That sounds surprisingly normal for Vivi-Dream. What happened was you appeared in a 'zone' that you subconsciously created as a result of your identity; our lives, beliefs, personalities, interests, basically what makes us who we are. This means that your zone - which you can name whatever you want - is your personal safe area outside of Remniche. If you allow it, others will be able to visit it as well. It's when our zones become infested with negative emotions that we have to investigate and cleanse the area. The zone you appeared in must be safe or else it would've given me warnings on my chalkboard. "As for our funky names, we represent our dreamers just like the zones do, but we're still 'characters'. We still need names to address each other, even if we Oneiros technically aren't real. I'm not sure what the overall logic is behind us choosing our names, but it seems to be subconscious too. Well... we can exclude Hez here because I personally named her," Lin addressed her mute friend and chuckled sheepishly. "I kind of played on the word [b]hes[/b]itant because that's pretty much what she is. Seems kind of silly now, but she's not complaining. "As for all of your other questions... well, why not let experience answer them for you? We're all here to help each other, so don't feel too bewildered over all of this." The group of Oneiros walked up to a roundabout that spiraled upwards to their destination. The concrete road gradually turned into pulsating vessels with miniature strands branching out hundreds of different directions that led towards miscellaneous zones far in the distance. Despite this confusing array, their main path remained visible enough for them to trek.