[center][h2]Damian Gerard|City of Crocus[/h2][/center] [center][@Lugubrious][@Lmpkio][/center] Damian allowed Leixia to do her work with the bandages, and locked eyes with Hyun before she could leave. [color=FireBrick]"The woman I'd met in the Arena on the first day of the games was a woman who's determination came from having already had her dream placed just far enough out of reach to be unsure if she could reach it. When we meet again later in the Games, I hope to see you at full strength."[/color] Turning, he helped Marlene out of the area and back towards the hotel. After they were far enough away, he sighed. [color=FireBrick]"Was yesterday's episode not enough for you? Trying to exact revenge over a stupid prank needed to be added to the list?"[/color] He shook his head. [color=FireBrick]"If two mages can't settle things peacefully, then how can the public trust us? I promise you, Frenzy Plant will make the kid pay for what he did, but I can't let you off for your share in the damage back there. We'll talk to Jamie once you've healed up some."[/color] [center][h2]James Hunt|Phoenix Wing Hotel[/h2][/center] [center][@Lunarlors34][@Burthstone][@YamiNoNeko2341][/center] After getting Adamine back to the stadium, James had returned to the hotel to find Cody and see how the day had been for him. After the dark paladin, it was all he really wanted was to rest. It had taken some searching, but he heard voices coming from the courtyard and saw Mayt, Cody and another fellow all sitting there. Walking up, he pats his guild mates on the back. [color=SteelBlue]"I see we all made it, although I did get held up."[/color]