[@Lmpkio][@liferusher] [color=0072bc][h2] Malice Hardt[/h2][/color] She had recovered from yesterdays bout with Indigo fairly well. Still a bit sore everywhere but thats too be expected when someone engulfs you in an attack of pretty colors of death. So she had been capable of seeing her team lose the even for the next day which made her cringe. If this was any indication, she was going to hate seeing the fight. Yet every fight thus far went well. And it wasn't until the Frenzy Plant's fight that the arena turned freaking pink. She looked around at the gross color and just stood up. [color=0072bc]"Nope fuck this, I'm out. See you all tomorrow."[/color] Malice said heading on out of the arena just at Frenzy Plant took the win. Yet as she passed this potted plant, she noticed out of the corner of her eye a tiny young girl who looked like they were crying. Malice would crouch down next to her and would stare at her before poking her head. [color=0072bc]"Great place to cry kid. I feel you though, this color for the arena is just so tacky. That I want to cry myself! Yet you know what makes me feel better? A nice day of shopping!"[/color] Malice said with a smile before she lifted Ayame up and proceeded to drag her along. [color=0072bc]"Wow you are kind of tiny aren't you? I bet you would just look adorable in dresses."[/color] Malice said before heading out onto the streets not really giving Ayame a choice in the matter.