[hider=Cyare Staunton] Name: Cyare Staunton the Pawn Age: 22 Birthday: March 1st Magic: Tactician’s Magic: Tactician’s Magic works on two fronts. The first is a set of enhancements that work alongside every other form of Tactician’s Magic, and can be active at any time with a mere thought. This set of enhancements focuses on the mind and the senses; Cyare’s thought processes progress more quickly than any other human, and process more information as well. Secondly, her senses take in more bulk data (though are otherwise no more refined) granting her a much more perceptive view of her environment. Secondly, her magic consists of six unique Forms. The Pawn, the Knight, the Rook, the Bishop, the Queen, and the King. The Pawn is her baseline form, and one that she enters automatically when engaging in combat. From it she can Rank Up into different forms, each with their own set of requirements. Cyare does not, at this time, know how to Rank Up into every form. Pawn: The most basic form, Pawn, represents a one and a half times boost to Cyare’s strength and speed, as well as endurance. The sword she carries has no unusual properties. Rook: The Rook can only be invoked when one of Cyare’s allies has been harmed. She loses her sword in exchange for a large teardrop shield and mace. She can Castle, switching positions instantaneously with an ally, but the Rook’s most notable ability is in its endurance. The Rook will not stop Cyare from accumulating injuries, but it will stop her from feeling them. It will prevent her from falling unconscious, as well. In fact, the Rook Form will not permit Cyare to go down as long as the ally that led to its activation is still in danger. If it is physically possible for Cyare to go on, the Rook will keep her going. While she received no boosts to speed, the Rook is twice as strong as Cyare would naturally be. Knight: The Knight’s activation condition is fairly simple; Knight Form can be Ranked into any time Cyare knows an enemy magician is in the battle. This stems naturally from the fact that, at its most basic, the Knight is Anti-Magic. While it is active, Magic requires more and more effort the closer one is to her. A fireball thrown at her, for example, will wither and die as it approaches. Magic that enhances one’s body will be less and less effective as you draw near. Within melee range, the effects of Magic are nearly nonexistent. On the flip side, Cyare gains no boosts of her own while in Knight Form, and the power affects those around her indiscriminately. As Knight, she has access only to the longsword she carries. At this time, Cyare has not shown the ability to Rank Up into Bishop, Queen, or King. Magic Level: A History: Cyare grew up in a remote village that was all too familiar with Dark Guilds. Members of one would come through every few weeks, cause a little trouble, and leave. Her family wasn’t the most well off to begin with, but the need to repair damages to their business just made it worse. So Cyare learned, from an exceptionally young age, that people couldn’t always defend yourself. And the people who can protect them? All too often aren’t around, or cost too much for their services. And when you can’t count on someone else to protect what you care about, you do it yourself. So Cyare began to learn Magic, and one day, the Dark Guild members found her at the village gate. Neither they, nor their comrades, elected to trouble her village again. That was where her reputation began; in the remote mountain range she called home. They called her the Pawn; first mockingly, and later with unironic respect. Over time, she has ventured away from her mountains. Most recently, traveling with a Mage named Rei. Personality: Matter of fact is the polite way that one would usually describe Cyare. In truth, she seems to border on apathetic and sarcastic. A genuinely compassionate heart lurks beneath, but it is glimpsed with exceptional rarity. None, however, can doubt her drive to accomplish her goals. Guild and guild mark location: Not currently applicable. Team Members: Rei Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1.Intelligence 2.Situational Awareness 3.Swordsmanship Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1.Expressing Care 2.Boredom 3.Overconfidence Greatest Love: Good companionship Motivation: To find a place to belong, where she can safeguard those in need. Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/achr5H1.jpg[/img] [/hider] Additional Details: [/hider]