[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Joshua Tamashii[/color] and [color=skyblue]Amaya van Isis[/color][/h2] Collab between Joshua Tamashii and Amaya Yashia[/center] Joshua raised an eyebrow at Amaya's outburst but said nothing as she walked away. If anything else, he had gotten a hint from her. Apparently something had happened on this day. Something that, in her own words, changed her 'from a simple shrine maiden to a dragon slayer'. Sighing, he followed her but stopped outside the bar. He doubted she would last very long. Amaya had never had a drink before, as much as he knew. And besides that, she was underage, though that might not stop the bar. He would simply have to step in when she got in trouble or passed out and take her back to the inn. He was praying it was the latter, as that would make things easier. Amaya always normally hate random bars cause God knows you have so many random people that are totally not themselves. Drunks are very random. Some gets handy and some get mean, some just pass out and some calls you friend even if they don't know you. Amaya Sat down at the bar ordering a very simple drink. She took off her scarf and hood allowing her guild mark to show. Amaya yawned rubbing her temples hoping to receive her drink soon so she could drown this headache. It took a few minutes before Amaya got her drink. She examined it for a few seconds before she let out a deep sigh before downing the drink in one go. Normally, she wouldn't even drink or she would take a few hours to finish a glass of water but she had a headache and a ton of things that needed to be drowned and what better way then to get drunk and not be in the right state of mind to really care for a small while. "[color=skyblue]Mother would murder me if she saw me drinking, so would everyone back home...I hate this time of year...every year it seems[/color]." She spoke to herself in a whisper as she messed with her glass waiting for the effects of the drink to kick in. She did not pay attention to the small crowd of eyes looking her way from some of the others in the tavern. She closed her eyes to try and focus on making her headache go away before she heard a male voice that snapped her out of her train of thought "Heya little lady, you seem lost." said the male as Amaya opened one of her ice blue eyes to see the towering figure looking down on her. she wouldn't have mind talking to him or ignore him but the simple fact that his rough hand was on her shoulder, was something she couldn't stand. She lifted a hand pushing his hand off. "[color=skyblue]I am not lost and just because I am shorter, thinner and a girl, doesn't mean I will become the lost heroine that needs some drunken overgrown gorilla to smooth talk me, now please go back to the hole you climbed out of...your making my headache worse from the very stench of your breath[/color]." She replied opening both eyes when she received a bellowing laugh from the male and some of the others in the tavern. "You sure got some cold claws missy. I am sure I can melt that cold heart of yours." He commented as he leaned down with his face inches from hers before she once again sighed before picking up her scarf and hood, putting them back on their respected places before she smirked "[color=skyblue]No you can't but I can freeze your heart if you don't get a breath mint[/color]." She replied getting up. she left her money in her glass and turned to leave when she felt him once again grab ahold as she shoved off his hand before his smirk grew "aw, come on now...Be nice." He commented "[color=skyblue]You asked for it...Roar of the Ice Dragon[/color]." She said moving her hands towards her mouth before she took a deep breath before allowing her attack to release at point blank, taking the drunk by surprise as it smacked point blank against his torso sending him soaring through a window into the muddy street. She put her hands down before seeing that she had really stirred up some trouble with the guy's companions that had stayed clear of her and him till their leader got sent flying through a window "[color=00aeef]Great[/color]." She whispered seeing the poor drunk slowly getting back up. "[color=ed1c24]610, 611, 612, 613[/color]." Joshua counted before someone got sent flying through one of the bars windows, accompanied by a blast of ice and cold wind. Sighing, Joshua pushed himself off the wall and entered the bar to find Amaya surrounded by several men. Shaking his head, he walked over and got between Amaya and the men, handing her his sword. "[color=ed1c24]Now, now fellas. Why you don't you back away before you all get hurt? You don't want to end up like your friend out there, do you[/color]?" Amaya sighed folding her arms trying to calm herself down before she opened her eyes smelling Joshua's scent. "[color=skyblue]Great my stalker is here...I can handle myself Joshua and it seems a girl can't get a drink to simply drown the past[/color]. "She said feeling the effects as she accepted the sword watching him once again protect her from the trouble she caused. "A dragon slayer? probably one of those with the lacrima...there are no true dragons left alive? Tell us, how did you get the ability?" asked one of the fellows in a joking manner That was the straw that broke the camel's back "[color=skyblue]How dare you even speak the name of my magic and compare it to a scientific form! I was raised by a living dragon...the only Living Ice dragon Herself...you filth have no right to speak ill of us Dragon Slayers[/color]."yelled Amaya was she was ticked off now and it was showing as the drinks around her began to freeze as the air grew colder by the second. "Why you little...Your going to regret calling me filth." Yelled one of the guys in anger "[color=ed1c24]Yeah... no. Sorry Amaya, you need a nap[/color]." Joshua said before hitting Amaya on the back of neck hard enough to knock her out but soft enough to avoid leaving a mark. He would catch her as she fell over and set her in a nearby seat. He then took his sword back before turning to the others, his face one of controlled rage as he pushed the blade out of it's sheathe just slightly. "[color=ed1c24]You all have five seconds before you wind up flat on floor[/color]." Amaya was too angry at the previous comment about the dragon slayers and dragons to block the knock out tap as she fell like a ton of bricks. she out like a light. "Oh looky boys, he did half the work for us, what are you going to do, cut us with that sword...so scary swordsman..."Commented the male as he and his friends laughed before they lounged forward Joshua frowned before seemingly vanishing and reappearing behind the men. "[color=ed1c24]Yes, yes I think I will. You insulted a dear friend of mine while she was in a bad mood. I do not take that lightly[/color]." He said, putting his sword back in it's sheathe before the men behind him collapsed in a heap. "[color=ed1c24]Sadly, much as I would love to draw your blood, I don't think the barkeep would be happy, so I settle for breaking your ribcages instead. Sleep well[/color]." Moving back over to Amaya, he placed some money on the bar for the window before lifting her up and carrying her out of the bar and back to the hotel, taking her to his room and setting her on the bed. it was about half an hour before amaya stirred waking up from her nap. She sat up rubbing her neck. "[color=skyblue]Ouch[/color]..."She commented looking around. "[color=skyblue]Why am I back at the hotel...I think, I was at the tavern...,maybe the outside...my head hurts[/color]." She said laying back "[color=ed1c24]Please tell me you aren't drunk off of one beer[/color]." Joshua said quietly, sitting in a nearby chair. "[color=skyblue]I'm not sure, never been good at holding down my drink...So I would be considered a light weight right? I think that is the right term...ah my head hurts more before I started thanks to you...I think...ow thinking hurts[/color]." she said rubbing her temples "[color=ed1c24]I think ultra-lightweight is more accurate. And while my blow might hurt you neck, your head is entirely your fault. Maybe some tea would help you. Would you like some[/color]?" Joshua said "[color=skyblue]No...my original headache started because of your motherly worry but sure I guess. I never heard ultralight weight[/color]"she said "[color=ed1c24]Because I just made it up to be more accurate[/color]." Joshua said, still speaking softly. He got up and moved around the room, grabbing a kettle, some tea leaves, and water, soon having the tea brewing on the stove. He moved over to Amaya's side and placed the back of his hand on her forehead to see if her temperature was still higher then usual. Amaya watched him blankly folding her arms over her chest watching him annoyed as he felt her head [color=skyblue]"God you are such a mother hen...its...weird to see something so familiar with such an odd lonely person such as yourself"[/color]She commented as she was a little hotter then normal for her cold feeling skin Joshua sighed before forcing her to lay down again. He walked over to the sink and grabbed a washcloth, getting it cold and damp before placing it on her forehead. "[color=ed1c24]I worry about those who are close to me. You're the only people I have here. You're like the family I don't have[/color]." He said. [color=skyblue]"But the guild...is suppose to be like family as well...I know a lot of the members don't seem to know or notice me but...a lot of them remind me of the friends and family I had back home."[/color]She said gently laying back down letting him tend to her as she was sure he wasn't going to leave her alone until he did. "[color=ed1c24]You never talk of your home... though I suppose I'm one to talk. As for the guild being family... you and Angelo are the only ones I've really interacted with. I talked to Sasha and Lazarus briefly but not at all since then[/color]." Joshua said. "[color=ed1c24]So I guess I aint really close to anyone but you[/color]." [color=skyblue]"What is there to talk about... My own true parents never wanted me...they gave me to the temple, as a gift to the deity...I was just a baby no more then a month... then came the raiders years later.....they all died and all I could do was watch as they got cut down one by one...only thing I could bring myself to do was Run to the sanctuary of our temple to mother...and I prayed...and when they came to take my life...mother came and killed them but I was saved...after all the cries and prayers...why was I spared...what right do I have to speak about those, I ran from instead of staying to die with them..."[/color]She said, [color=skyblue]"and when I was raised by Aurora...She never wanted to truly take me in...or teach me my magic...but an a small eight year old girl could never survive on her own when deep winter was around the corner... She only taught me so I could defend myself if the time came...but she too left me alone... I have no home...just torn memories...I am but a dragon slayer raised by a dragon...Nothing more or less...my normal self died with her people and that is where she and my past should stay...dead. all records of the incident speaks of no survivors were found...just marked ice graves of those who were slaughtered, villager and raider alike...ruins of the village and temple still stand...probably buried somewhat."[/color] She said just letting it all spill as she sighed turning on her side turning away from him as she told her tale Joshua listened to Amaya calmly and didn't say anything as the tea was finished and he went to pour her a cup. When he returned, he put the drink on the table beside the bed while holding his own cup. Letting the silence stretch a bit so he could take a sip after the drink had cooled enough, he thought over what she said. "[color=ed1c24]You know something? You were very lucky to be so loved by everyone, especially your mother[/color]." he said "[color=skyblue]I was always the one everyone could come to...I never caused trouble...I was just quite and stay sweet doing what I could to make other's lives easier...that was my duty...my mission in that village...we were peaceful...never fought anyone...our passive approach was our undoing.[/color]" she said gently. "[color=skyblue]But learning my magic...it was hard to be assertive to be like the dragon powerful, a leader, wise...our magic encases what I dragon is...it is hard allowing the two sides to co exist...I can't function like Zero and Zenoram can.[/color]"She said gently "[color=ed1c24]I don't know of the two you speak of but you know... maybe you should focus a bit less on the draconic aspects of your magic. Where I spent half my life, dragons are evil creatures, only seeking the end of the world and to enslave humans. This might very well be true. But I like where I lived the other half of my life. Dragons are an embodiment of an element, in a body of flesh and blood, and are wise and gentle creatures. Tell me a bit more about this dragon that adopted you[/color]." Joshua said calmly. "[color=skyblue]Aurora never wanted to hurt humans...I know centuries ago she was raised in a lab with Hermolock and other dragons...she told me when they escaped only she and him survived...they hid in the icy mountain of Hakobe...taking different sides. she spoke of being part of the dragon human war and wanted co existence of humans and dragons till the slayers started to turn on their dragons... I don't remember much of what else she said...uh...oh yeah... the gem that I have in my room was a item she created for my village for them to contact her if she was ever needed...I think she was in a frozen slumber not being needed in forever or something but some how...my prayer got through to her.[/color]" she said sitting up. "[color=skyblue]Mother was kind and tended to whatever I needed but stern in teaching me to move towards the future...to not hate those who tore away my past...[/color]"she said "[color=skyblue]She never wanted to teach me her magic but she knew someday, she wouldn't be there to protect me...she knew some day, I would have to return to my own kind to continue life when hers happens to end...so she taught me against her own wishes... she was stern but caring.[/color]" She said going silent trying to think if she missed anything important "[color=ed1c24]You said earlier that Aurora never truly wanted to take you in. I would say the opposite is true actually, from the way you just described her[/color]." Joshua said. "[color=skyblue]She only took me in cause I couldn't survive at the young age I was.[/color]" She said "[color=ed1c24]She had no obligation to do so though. And not only that, she could've easily have just dropped you off somewhere in the middle of the night. She didn't though. She cared[/color]." Joshua said "[color=skyblue]That is true...she did mourn for my village with me...she was their guardian...the one we prayed to... I always knew deep down she blamed herself for not hearing our cries sooner...she would never admit it but I could feel her grief for it...maybe raising me was her way to make up for not being there.[/color]" She said gently with a sigh "[color=ed1c24]You have to stop thinking no one cares about you. Your adoptive mother did. She cared about you enough to keep you safe and give you a way to defend yourself even if she didn't want to[/color]." Joshua said. He was happy that she was a bit more compliant now, though he had to wonder if that was the beer. He would seriously have to stop her from drinking if she chose to do so in the future."[color=ed1c24]How about you turn over and have some tea while it's still hot. We can still talk[/color]." [color=skyblue]"Its not that I feel no one cares about me...a lady I met on my travels spoke of survivors guilt and abandonment. everyone and everything I love has left me suddenly. My village being completely erased from the world leaving me alone then my own adopted mother just suddenly vanished without a trace...for all I know someday phoenix wing wont be here...I pray it wont happen and I pray I keep those I care for around like you and team Power Keg and the other friends I have made."[/color]She said sighing. She listened to him as she sat up. "[color=skyblue]I am not in the mood for hot tea.[/color]" She commented hugging her knees Joshua sighed, setting his tea aside, before he reached out and gently put a hand on Amaya's shoulder. "[color=ed1c24]No one is going to leave you. And even if Phoenix Wing where to vanish or disband, I will not leave you and we will join another guild together[/color]." He said, giving her a small smile. "[color=ed1c24]Trust me when I say I know what it's like to be abandoned by those you thought cared about you. I will never let you feel that pain if I can help it. I'll make sure you're never alone again[/color]." "[color=skyblue]You can't guarantee that...[/color]"She commented blankly as she looked at him before suddenly wrapping her arms around him in a hug "[color=skyblue]Either way, thank-you for making me feel a bit better about all this.[/color]" She said gently resting her chin on his shoulder "[color=ed1c24]True I can't but I will try to keep that promise[/color]." Joshua said, hugging her back after recovering from the sudden hug. "[color=ed1c24]Feeling a bit better[/color]?" "[color=skyblue]I feel a bit better still have a headache...cant believe I cant even handle one drink.[/color]" She replied rubbing her forehead. "[color=ed1c24]The tea should help with that but it's probably cold by now. Not that that's ever bothered you before[/color]." Joshua said. Amaya turned to the tea as she took it down in one go letting out a light burp "[color=skyblue]I only like my meat hot[/color]." She said Joshua could only shake his head and smile at Amaya'a antics. "[color=ed1c24]Well, you seem closer to normal now. Did talking about it help[/color]?" He said. "[color=skyblue]A little I will still hear and see things from the past for a day or so don't mind me if I freak out about a fire that isn't happening or anything.[/color]" She said "[color=ed1c24]Then rest. You might not feel well when you wake up though[/color]." Joshua said "[color=skyblue]yeah I haven't felt well for a few days because of the anniversary.[/color]" she said laying down as she yawned. "[color=skyblue]I hope I can stay asleep this time.[/color]" "[color=ed1c24]Well, I'll be here the entire time unless I get called away for the games. So hopefully that'll help you be at ease[/color]." Joshua said, turning a nearby vision lacrima to the games.