[h2][u]End Of Day 1[/u][/h2] [h3]INTERMISSION[/h3] [center]The following few days were relatively uneventful, the generals being busy with amassing and dispatching troops before leaving the fortress themselves to fulfil their respective orders while the envoys sent word regarding their respective issues. It would be some time before any news of any outcomes would appear. In the mean time, other matters required Aleko’s attention.[/center] [h3][u]Events of interest during the intermission[/u][/h3] [h3]~Day 2~[/h3] [center]On the morning of the following day, Aleko was greeted with a knock on the door shortly after he awoke, or perhaps it was the knock itself that woke him up. A voice was heard on the other side of the door, “[b]Your highness, may I come in?[/b]” the voice was unknown to Aleko. After being given permission, the servant entered the royal chambers, the woman had a perfect posture and in her hands she was carrying a rather large platter. She presented Aleko with some freshly baked pastry goods, still warm from the over, a cube of butter with a rather fancy butter-knife next to it, a small bowl of green and black grapes along with a neatly sliced orange. Along with those there were also a few thin slices of bacon….. and a folded piece of paper. The servant left the platter on the desk, excused herself for her intrusion and left with a deep bow. The piece of paper had something written on it, names. A long list of names along with positions in the military in parenthesis next to each one. There were about 80 names, the gross majority being Dwarven military, yet some Orc soldiers could be spotted from time to time and even a few Humans. At the bottom of the letter were the words ‘[i]Requested Casualty Reports[/i]’ and a hastily made signature underneath. It would seem general Bojor Ironfist held the new emperor good to his word when he requested the names of each soldier fallen on the mission of securing his safe passage when the Imperial Wizard first discovered him. During mid-day, the Emperor had to pay visit to the Map and Council chambers for the daily reports from the generals and envoys. Nothing of any relevance was presented though, nothing that required an immediate intervention anyway. A few of the generals were preparing to depart on their appointed duties while some of the envoys reported the delivery of letters containing the Emperor’s decisions on the matters from the previous day. All in all, the meetings were rather short and uneventful. In the Council Chambers, most of the envoys already left yet it would seem that Ethel Shroudmyr decided to stay behind this time, still seated on her chair apparently observing Aleko with some interest as the Halfling pondered. After a few moments she decided to break the silence “[b]Sire. If you would permit me, I have a few questions.[/b]” The Dark Elven envoy maintained a rather elegant posture, gently running her long nails along the glass surface of her glass while her mismatched eyes never left Aleko. “[b]Simply judging by your appearance and current demeanor, one can tell that you are new yet not inexperienced when it comes to both military and political affairs. I understand you were previously an officer in the Anthro military yet that alone does not explain your….experience…[/b]” A glitter of intrigue could be seen on the woman’s face as she patiently waited for Aleko’s response. The two spent a bit chatting, Ethel mostly being interested in what possible plans Aleko may have for the campaing “[b]Are you aiming to be a benevolent ruler who lends an ear to the every whim of the people, or perhaps one to be feared and never crossed or questioned?[/b]” ; “[b]Assuming the campaign ends in our victory and you will seat the throne of the Empire, what plans would you have for the future?[/b]” ; “[b]If you would have to sacrifice everything that you hold dear for the good of the Empire, would you have the strength to do so, I wonder?[/b]” were some of the noteworthy questions that Ethel addressed to her Emperor. When she had her answers one couldn’t tell if she was pleased or not by it, masterfully hiding her emotions and quietly examining Aleko, observing the way he interpreted each question and his demeanor in each answer. After the chat, the woman excused herself and before leaving the chambers she left Aleko with a final remark. “[b]I assume you are well aware that during this campaign you make more enemies than just those of the opposing factions. I simply hope you will not forget those who were by your side, sire.[/b]” After Aleko himself eventually left the Council Chambers, he ran into Marcus Gwynpath who was apparently waiting in the hallway. The Human envoy hailed Aleko with a bow and both of their attentions shifted to the side, watching Ethel elegantly walking down the hall, her buffed dress swaying gently with each step. “[b]Milady Shroudmyr is a lovely woman, isn’t she?[/b]” Marcus commented just before their attentions returned to eachother. The two began to walk the opposite way as the Human continued “[b]I hear that such grace and elegance is rare, even among her people. Perhaps it is due to her….origin, meaning no disrespect, sire.[/b]” The Human envoy accompanied Aleko for a bit while conversing with the emperor, Ethel Shroudmyr being the subject. [b]“I don’t mean to sound suspicious or uncouth, but you should perhaps consider, sire, that along with the comely appearance she may have also inherited the cunning and slyness of both races….and frankly, one side had more than enough, if you beg my pardon.[/b]” The last bit was whispered aside. “[b]Have you encountered many Dark Elves before? Out of all races I always considered them to be the most…let’s say, suspicious. From what I hear, it is considered complementary to bring your finest poison when attending a dinner party with their nobles.[/b]” After a bit of chatting the two parted ways “[b]I shall resume my duties, sire. I wish you a good day and…well…[/b]” The Human was hesitant and only spoke after Aleko inquired “[b]Nothing sire. I only wish to suggest you take caution with whose council you listen to, that is all. Not all have the best of the Empire on their minds.[/b]” The rest of the evening was rather uneventful, save for the night. Aleko had trouble sleeping due to a nightmare. In his dream, he saw a large hall, similar to the throne room only larger. The colossal stone throne was occupied by a sickly old man with barely any meat on his bones, behind the throne were a large crowd of hooded figures. The floor in front of the throne was littered with deformed and mangled corpses in a pool of blood seeping through the luxurious carpet. All of a sudden a sinister laughter could be heard echoing all around and from the midst of the corpses rose a man, tall and strong with a healthy and muscular constitution, naked yet clean and with a luminescence around him. The laughter grew louder and the last thing Aleko recalled before waking up in a cold sweat was that this man turned around as to directly face him yet the Hlafling couldn’t see his face only a pair of blood red eyes peering at his person.[/center] [h3]~Day 3~[/h3] The day was rather dull. The generals Duncan Primelyt, Marteen Leafdancer and Pepper Bulkwyn were absent today as they were dispatched to their duties down below. Out of the envoys, Gymor Cloudkeeper was also missing, apparently he asked for a leave of absence due to some health-related issue, Cyrus assured the emperor that the physician Stephen Hawke had already looked into the matter and the envoy should be well sometime next day. “[b]The physician would also like to express his gratitude for taking his request for supplies into consideration.[/b]” Cyrus said relating to the matter. The Wizard spent most of the day along side Aleko, since there were no large matters that required their immediate attention, at least at the moment, Cyrus took the occasion to present Aleko with something. In his chamber, the emperor found a suit of armor, finely crafted and polished with golden decorations along the right pauldron, gauntlets and chestplate. The left pauldron was fully coated in gold and wrought in the shape of a proud lion’s head along with the buckle of the belt and the kneecaps. A chainmail tunic was presented next to the armor suit, along with a crimson cloak of the finest silk bearing the crest of the New Empire. [i][[url=http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s16/stevie0024/Medieval%20Stuff/RoyalKnight.jpg]Reference Image Added[/url]][/i] “[b]This armor has been made specially for you sire. I hope it is to your liking.[/b]” Cyrus said as he presented Aleko with the gift “[b]I would have also asked for a weapon but I believe you are more fond and comfortable with your current arms than anything else, no?[/b]” Cyrus lightly chuckled at the end of the sentence before remaining silent allowing Aleko to fully inspect the armor and state his opinion on the matter. After the issue with the armor was resolved, Cyrus pointed out the scepter that Aleko now had in his possession “[b]The scepter…[/b]” Cyrus sounded rather melancholic as he spoke “[b]…it is the only relic of the royal family that I managed to secure from the palace. It probably is among the most important, yes, but I still wished I could have saved some more…the crown at the very least..[/b]” the Wizard’s gaze never seemed to leave the scepter as he spoke, eventually he turned his attention to Aleko. “[b]The Scepter of Sefnir… it is probably the oldest relic of the Sendrakon family, said to have been used by Arkturious himself. Mmmmm…. According to some texts, it is even older, predating Unity all the way back to the Ancinet Times, though it sounds rather exaggerated if you ask me.[/b]” The next question came rather suspicious towards Aleko “[b]Sire….uhm…Sir, if I may ask, how do you…feel.. when holding it?[/b]” After Aleko gave his answer Cyrus seemed rather…surprised? “[b]Truly? Hmmm…interesting. I have not heard the same… familiarity from neither Melthion nor Asmuel. In fact, I hardly recall them even having the scepter in their possession at any time. Perhaps this…means something? Mmmm.[/b]” The Wizard remained silent for a good few moments, his gaze affixed at the scepter once again before he snapped out of it and waved his hand dismissively “[b]Ah, forgive me. Old habits die hard. After all, it us the duty of us Wizards, Mages and Sorceress to seek knowledge, no?[/b]” A hearty chuckle escaped the Wizard, probably the first time he genuine laughter in a while. “[b]By the way…[/b]” he spoke just before he was about to leave. “[b]I have asked the generals and envoys of their opinions, as you requested…[/b] [b]Master Gwynpath is rather surprised of your…origin. Needles to say he expected a Human yet he speaks rather highly of you. I seems he has a good felling about you. Master Cloudkeeper shares in the enthusiasm. I believe he is probably more relived that the search is over, to be honest. Master Windsteel said he would like to observe your actions and only then will he form an opinion. Masters Weissnaut believes you are still a pup, despite your age yet is expecting you to prove him wrong. Masters Groverunner, Shroudmyr and Frosthand decided to remain silent… for the time being. General Primelyt has high hopes for you. He apparently cares not about your nature or origin but hopes you will become more experienced swiftly. General Ironfist also seems to be indifferent towards your origin but does not feel particularly comfortable with following you until you prove worthy of being followed. General Bulkwyn is rather excited by your presence. She said she heard of your name in the past and waits for the moment when you…ummm…’blow us away’…as she puts it. Generals Stonestorm, Leafdancer and Planestalker agree that their opinion of you is not important as long as you prove yourself worthy of your title. General Ashadde also agrees to that but seems to have a bit more confidence in your abilities. Those are, in essence, what the generals and envoys said, the rest remains to be seen. No doubt that their opinions will change in time, hopefully for the better.[/b]” After that, the old Wizard politely excused himself and left Aleko to spend the rest of the day as he saw fit. [h3]~Day 4~[/h3] [center]Aleko, Cyrus and the present generals spent most of the day in the Map Room, examining the area where Aleko would lead the troops closely. They recently received word from General Bulkwyn that the troops he requested have been assembled and are expecting the Emperor to meet with them the next day in the specified location, a village close to the town of Coldshire from where they will march upon Northspark whenever the emperor gives the order. According to the report, General Bulkwyn’s troops consist mostly of Anthro Elite Rangers, Dark Elven Vanguards and Infiltrators. General Planestalker was apparently unable to secure the Shadow Mages that the emperor requested. There has still been no word from generals Primelyt or Leafdancer regarding their own personal missions, Cyrus expects that they will receive news around the same time Aleko is finished with his own assault upon Northspark. Aleko had to rest well this day, tomorrow he would be on the front.[/center] [h3]DAY 5[/h3] [h2]REPORTS[/h2] [i]The refugees from the Human Kingdoms were not turned away unless they couldn’t contribute. Not all were happy and some whispers of ‘forced labor’ appeared here and there. Still, the diminishing number of Refugee Camps seem to have relived some stress from the local military.– [u]PPL Morale - 5 / Military Morale + 5 [/u] The first Druidic Pilgrimage has begun and already seems to bear fruit. The population is more reassured that someone out there actually cares about the common folk, even at their own expense. The Elves also seem pleased that their Druidic traditions are being kept around for the time being. – [u]PPL Morale +10 / Income reduction / Elf Standing + 5[/u] [/i] [h3]REPORT END[/h3] [center]The day finally arrived. The day when Aleko would prove his mettle on the field as the new emperor. After a rather hasty breakfast, the Halfling was dressed for battle greeted by the Imperial Wizard in the study. “[b]Good morning, sir. Prepared for today’s events I see…[/b]” Cyrus accompanied Aleko for a bit “[b]Nervous?[/b]” he asked, though he seemed a bit nervous himself, perhaps he was fearing the worst though he knew full well that Aleko can take care of himself, after all he was an officer in the field long before he was crowned. “[b]Of course, of course…[/b]” the Wizard agreed after Aleko reassured him. “[b]I assume you will be away for a few days at the very least, sir, I shall do my best to manage things on the fortress during your absence, not to worry.[/b]” The Wizard proceeded to place his hand on the emperor’s shoulder “[b]I will transport you to general Bulkwyn’s location now. Are you prepared, sir?[/b]” Once Aleko was ready for departure, the Wizard nodded and took a few steps and rose his hands “[b]Good luck, sir. May you return victorious ![/b]” And with that, Aleko was engulfed in the familiar blue light followed by the sensation of weightlessness, customary to a teleportation spell. In a mere few moments the Halfling found himself in the middle of an open field, close to a small forested area. The temperature was drastically different from back on the Escalyber, the chilling air cutting to the bone. The sky was rather cloudy, akin to a winter evening with barely any sunlight. The grass was sparse and its coloration as well as the colors of the leaves from the trees was faded, as if the vegetation was standing on the edge of their life. There was no civilized settlement in the vicinity, only a few wisps of smoke in the distance indicating the presence of some village. Before Aleko could properly get his bearings, he was greeted by person who came running from the nearby forested area. This person was dressed in the all familiar Elite Ranger equipment. Once he approached the Halfling, the soldier saluted him in a military fashion “[b]Sire! Good to see you. Please follow me, I am to escort you to the camp.[/b]” The soldier was swift on his feet and followed a nearly unoticable path through the forest. A few minutes later they reached a rather flimsy camp, clearly made hastily and meant to be only temporarily and well hidden from sight, under the cover of the trees. Once there, Aleko was approached by another Elite Ranger, this one dressed in a more decorated variant of their gear denoting a high rank. “[b]Looks like you finally made it.[/b]” The voice was muffled by the mask but it was still recognizable as general Pepper Bulkwyn. It would seem she was fully equipped for battle this time. The general saluted Aleko in an Anthro military fashion and welcomed him to the field. Behind the general were all the troops under their command. Mostly consisting of a few squadrons of Elite Rangers and one squad of Anthro Highlanders Along with another squadron of Dark Elven Vanguards. All the troops were standing ready and waiting. The troops were not particularly numerous, just enough to hopefully travel without attracting too much attention and enough to capture a fortress without its full defense force. “[b]We are at the edge of the province of Coldshire, sire.[/b]” The general informed Aleko. “[b]We will be departing on your command and should reach the fortress from Northspark tomorrow. If we are careful we should be able to travel unnoticed. If not…well let’s hope your prediction is correct and the Stainless will assume that these were troops from Coldshire, thinking that they could mount an attack upon the town only to discovered it still under heavy protection.[/b]” Once the order to march was given, all troops promptly dismantled the camp in no time and started the march due north, in the direction of Northspark. General Bulkwyn was accompanying Aleko. “[b]This must seem all to familiar to you, no?[/b]” she inquired “[b]I for one am more comfortable out here in the field than inside that floating building. I only wish we could have all that fancy food with us right now,[/b]” a muffled chuckle escaped her. The general seemed just as relaxed out in the field in battle gear as she was back in the fortress, one would have to wonder if it is a sign of her confidence, lack of discipline or both. “[b]You mentioned you fought in the War of Tulips, right? I knew I heard that name before we officially met, though if memory serves right, you were called ‘Frosty’ back then, huh?[/b]” Judging by her head movement she inspected Aleko for a moment “[b]I can understand that nickname[/b]”. The general was conversing at an awfully familiar level with Aleko, almost as if she was talking to someone of equal footing with her and not a superior, let alone the emperor she was serving under. The rest of the day was spent in full march, keeping close to the trees. When it became to dark to see, general Bulkwyn suggested they make camp for the night and conclude the march on the morrow. The camp was just as small and simplistic as the one Aleko found, it was meant only for the night anyway. Some of the Elite Rangers were standing guard, just in case, while the rest were relaxing and preparing a quick meal. General Bulkwyn took the liberty of removing her mask and helm, revealing her full appearance for probably the first time. Her hair was neatly tied to the back while her mousey ears were now up-right as they were no longer tucked underneath anything, more comfortable as indicated by their slight twitching. Her rather comely visage was not something one would expect to find underneath the decorated helm of an Anthro general. The two Halflings were presented with a bowl of slightly discolored gruel, an all too familiar meal served on the field. Despite the general’s protests, she quickly gobbled up her portion if only to keep warm in the cold night. After eating, the general pulled a small map from nearby and circled an area in the province of Northspark. “[b]We will be making our final camp there, as you instructed.[/b]” She then circled another area close to the first one “[b]The fortress is there, it would take us maybe 1 hour to reach from the camp. The Infiltrators that general Planestalker so courteously secured for us are already inside the fortress, their job is to find out when their defenses will be sent for another attack on Paletower and then find a suitable way for our troops to get inside and take over the place before anyone is the wiser. Once their attack fails, general Ironfist and his troops will chase them back to the fort where we will be waiting for them. They won’t have a place to escape and will be caught between our fortified position and Ironfist’s troops. Sound about right?[/b]” A smile was ever-present on the general’s face as she recited the plan that Aleko came up with, it would seem she is particularly confident in their odds. “[b]Mmmm…do you think they will surrender?[/b]’ she inquired once the strategic talk was over “[b]I mean, they are from the Old Empire. They must be more reasonable than those from the Stainless right? And if they surrender, do you really think we can convince them to join our side? What if they don’t?[/b]” General Bulkwyn was patiently listening to Aleko’s response, her large eyes sometimes drifting away as if she suddenly noticed something. Once she had her answer she nodded, apparently satisfied “[b]You know.. With you as our leader I can’t help but feel like everything will turn out fine. Silly isn’t it? We are pretty much in the worst situation among everyone else in this war, yet…I don’t know…[/b]” Her gaze was affixed at the night sky as she spoke, a small smile on her face “[b]Your speech, both at your coronation and at the military meeting. I can’t help but feel…inspired! You assessed the situation and quickly came up with a way for us to catch up and maybe even get ahead of everyone else.[/b]” Her gaze then turned back to Aleko, her face and the way she was looking at the Halfing emanating a form of…comfort. “[b]I guess the Wizard choose wisely, huh?[/b]” After a bit of chatting, a large yawn escaped the general. She picked up her helm and abruptly stood up. “[b]Well, I guess we better get some rest. We have a fortress to conquer tomorrow.[/b]” She bowed to Aleko “[b]Good night, sire. Please don’t sneak in my tent after everyone is asleep. Then again, you’re the emperor so I don’t have much say in the matter, right?[/b]” she laughed as he departed, leaving Aleko relatively alone next to the campfire. The night was cold and the wind strong. While not nearly as freezing or windy as the Dwarven Lands, the Kindom of Winterpeak was aptly named. The Northern Kindom of the Humans, sharing a border with their presumed Dwarven allies. This region in particular was very close to their snowy lands, the province of Paletower belonging to the Dwarves. That night, Aleko was fortunate enough to be free from any bad dreams. He managed to rest well, after all he would need his strength on tomorrow’s assault. [/center]