[@Lunarlors34] [@Lugubrious] [@Shikaru] [b]“Excuse me, mister genie, but your services would not be required right now. We want to watch the show… without any shenanigans going on if possible.”[/b] Janna replied to the man as Anya seemed to get caught into the trap of him showing his powers for her… and then the arena turned pink...[b]” Holy cheese sandwich...”[/b] Janna muttered to herself, realizing that someone turning the arena pink would cause… attention. [b]“Ahh indeed, Angela! That was incredible fight!”[/b] Janna agreed with the child smiling before turning back to the ‘genie’. [b]“Listen there, Naru, Baru, Nero or whatever your name was… Turn the stadium back to it’s previous state before the guards start searching for the culprit!”[/b] Janna warned him with a frown. Sure enough it was ages since her last offense, but she still preferred on to get into their radars.[b]"As fun as it is, it's considered vandalism over public property and I don't want to have to spend the night in prison because of the shenanigans of other people... again!"[/b] [b]“Also Anya, don’t get caught into the schemes of people offering wishes…”[/b] Janna said to the girl warningly.[b]” It never leads to anything good… as for you…”[/b] She shot a look at Nero again, yes she had learned his name already… she was just playing around frankly.[b]” If ya want friends, there is no need to cause this commotion!” [/b]