Name: Aria, the Mirror Maiden Age: 19 Birthday: June 7th Magic: Mirror Magic: Magic involving glass surfaces, Aria is skilled enough to summon her own mirrors and use any glass surface capable of causing a reflection for her magic. The magic is largely supportive and defensive in nature, allowing easy reflection of attacks and swift transport via a 'mirror dimension', allowing one to travel through one glass surface and come out another. It can also be used to trap an opponent, encasing them inside a sphere of mirrors that reflect all attacks back at the caster. Glass Make: A Molding magic focused on glass as the substance of choice. Aria is skilled at dynamic objects, summoning fast, agile, and deadly glass constructs, capable of quickly attacking the target while avoiding attacks to make up for their innate fragility, though the constructs appear to be much harder then normal glass. Magic Level: Records show her to be at least A-rank in terms of magical power. History: A mysterious girl of unknown origin, Aria has only recently appeared in Fiore, though the possibility that she has always been there is possible. No records of her exist, not even birth records, and it is unknown if she is even a denizen of this world. At least this is what the Council and anyone who knows of her knows. In truth, Aria was born into the Assassin's guild Nocte Liberium, and is the twin sister to the assassin known as Jack, the Maiden of the Mist. Her father separated them from birth and had one of his guild members take Aria to the Mirror Dimension, which would become her own. Alone in this place, she was able to see others through the mirrors in the dimension but unable to leave or interact with them. The only interaction she got was from her father, who brought her up the same way as he did Jackie, though her training was not to an assassin but an observer, who watched from the Mirror Dimension and was only to interfere in extreme scenario's. As such, she was trained to repress her emotions, observe, and act, as well as how to hold her own in a fight. The only gift she ever got was the pair of headphones she still wears, which play music that keeps her calm and kept her sane in her years of isolation. Even after the assassin guild fell, Aria continued to look after Jack, keeping an eye on her sister, though unaware of their connection. It was her duty as Jack's observer. Over the years, she only almost stepped in once, which was during Jack's second attempt on Amelia Averyonna's life. With the assassin almost killed, Aria prepared to step in for the first time, but stopped when it became apparent that Jack's life was no longer in danger. She has continued to follow her sister since then, and began to grow curious about Jack's change in personality and how the people around her were affecting her. Having never been trained for this scenario, Aria has made several attempts to interact with others, even leaving the dimension she has lived in her entire life, though such attempts has more often then not led to misunderstandings and more then one fight. Personality: Nearly emotionless, Aria is like a machine when talked to. She responds in short sentences or one-word responses to anything directed her way, and repeated questioning of the subject will not make much progress. However, this emotionless exterior hides a girl who is more of a child then anything, experimenting and curious with the world around her. Aria can be easily side-tracked and constantly gets into trouble due to her innate naivety and general innocence. One thing Aria is emotionally attached, possibly dependent, to are the headphones she always wear. She seems to take very good care of them and becomes easily upset if someone touches them and downright traumatized if they are taken away, resulting in her becoming a crying wreck incapable of taking action. Guild and guild mark location: (If in a guild) Team Members: (If Any) Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Strong defensive abilities. 2. Can easily escape combat 3. Is good at analyzing and observing situations around her if they involve combat. Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Depends on her headphones and stops functioning without them. 2. Does not know how the world outside the Mirror Dimension works 3. Is easily side-tracked by new things when not in combat. Greatest Love: Her headphones, the only gift she ever got from her father. Motivation: To learn about the world outside the Mirror Dimension and live in it. Appearance: [img][/img] Additional Details: