[color=fdc68a][h2]Karin Reese[/h2][/color] [b]Location:[/b] Park near the Domus Flau -> Karin's Lab He didn't need to think any longer. "I'll do it." He shivered. "I want to live my life with my conscious clear." Lazarus gazed into the distance, down the street when saying this. "So what happens now?" He looked over his shoulder at her. [color=fdc68a]"First, I thank you for my accepting the offer."[/color] she shook his hand and gently pulled him in the direction of her lab. [color=fdc68a]"Now, I'll bring you to the lab. As I stated earlier, the treatment doesn't take too long. All you need to do is relax. If you maintain a calm mind, the process should go smoothly."[/color] It didn't take too long, but they finally arrived in front of Karin's lab. Once inside, Karin started to prepare the treatment and showed him where to wait for the treatment to begin. Where Lazarus waited in was a man sized capsule that was angled diagonally so he could easily lean his back over. Connected to the capsule was a machine that Karin was tinkering with for a bit. [color=fdc68a]"Okay. Lazarus, remember when you came inside. There is a machine connected to the capsule that you're currently in. With this machine, it will help us make sure everything goes as plan by extracting all the bad and ill thoughts and memories inside you. Just remember, relax and stay calm.[/color] [color=fdc68a]"By the way. If you can talk after the treatment, it could help check to see how feel after the treatment work."[/color] Once Lazarus said he was ready, Karin simply flicked the switch, starting the treatment and waiting for his response once he was done. [@YipeeXD]