[hider=Wayne Nott][center][img]https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1379784060/453222.jpg[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/zGnZz0vD848]Theme Song | My Demons - Starset[/url] ►[color=7bcdc8]N A M E[/color]◄ Wayne Callidus Nott ►[color=7bcdc8]N I C K N A M E[/color]◄ - - - ►[color=7bcdc8]A G E[/color]◄ 16 ►[color=7bcdc8]G E N D E R[/color]◄ Male ►[color=7bcdc8]S E X U A L I T Y[/color]◄ Heterosexual ►[color=7bcdc8]R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S[/color]◄ Single ►[color=7bcdc8]H O U S E[/color]◄ Gryffindor ►[color=7bcdc8]Y E A R[/color]◄ 6th ►[color=7bcdc8]W A N D[/color]◄ Yew with a Dragonheart String core, 13”, unyeilding [hider=image][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141208233820/harrypotter/images/7/73/AlectoCarrowWandNN8280.jpg[/img][/hider] ►[color=7bcdc8]P A T R O N U S[/color]◄ Timber Wolf ►[color=7bcdc8]B O G G A R T[/color]◄ That he’ll be just like his mother (Boggart appears as himself with his dark mark visible) ►[color=7bcdc8]B L O O D S T A T U S[/color]◄ 1/2-Blood ►[color=7bcdc8]P E T[/color]◄ Argint - a male F1 silver Savannah Cat Much like his owner, Argint has a desire to be around people - even if it’s just Wayne. He craves attention more than Wayne, though, and has a tendency to try and get attention from others he is familiar with (i.e. other Gryffindor students and students part of the Dueling Clubs) while more hesitant to interact with those he’s not. Obedient enough to have been trained to follow command from Wayne, Argint is easily managed by his owner but tends to follow Wayne around the grounds rather than staying put during classes; he sits out of the way either next to Wayne's desk, or off to the side if in classes that move around. [hider=a brief description][img]http://ih3.redbubble.net/image.6530381.2914/flat,550x550,075,f.jpg[/img] As an F1 generation, Argint standing on all four legs is about two feet tall from floor to shoulder; he seems much taller when he’s standing upright against something. Head to tail, he’s about forty inches long. Despite his stature, his sleek feline stature has him weighing only about twenty-three pounds - heavy for a cat, but typical for the generation and gender.[/hider] ►[color=7bcdc8]A P P E A R A N C E[/color]◄ He has been described as handsome, with his high cheekbones and “perfect lips”. Striking almond-shaped cobalt blue eyes and thick black hair - kept short and styled to look messy - help enhance his handsome features. It also makes him look remarkably like his father when his father was his age; this fact displeases him a lot and has lead to his more casual and somewhat unkempt appearance. Standing at 6'2, he prides himself on having well toned muscles, without being too muscular, maintaining just enough of a buff physique to show off. He has a natural light tan to his caucasian complexion; the tan darkens to something more noticeable when he is able to spend more time out in the sun. His clothing style varies based on his mood and destination, but usually it is general tee-shirt or a polo shirt and a nice pair of new jeans (generally a pair that looks old but isn’t) and comfortable sneakers with a jacket; no matter what he wears, it’s all about the fashionable function and tends to be expensive even if it doesn’t look like it. He always wears a chain with an silver oval locket on it; the picture inside is just him, but it feels weird to take it off. Aside from the Dark Mark on his left shoulder blade, he bears no other tattoos. He does, however, sport a handful of scars in various locations on his upper body - mostly his upper arms and back - so he tends to change extremely quickly in an attempt to keep people from seeing the mark or the scars. ►[color=7bcdc8]L I K E S[/color]◄[list] [*]Dueling [*]Learning/practicing magic [*]Being around people [*]Socializing [*]Parties [*]Defense Against the Dark Arts [*]Potions [*]Transfiguration [*]Charms [*]Testing Rule Boundaries [*]Exploring forbidden areas [*]Being outside [*]Animals, both magical and muggle[/list] ►[color=7bcdc8]D I S L I K E S[/color]◄[list] [*]Being alone [*]His parents/being home [*]Being inside [*]Being trapped/locked in enclosed/small spaces [*]Quiet/lack of intentional sound [*]Astrology [*]Failing/Losing [*]Being compared to his parents [*]Lectures [*]Studying [*]Care of Magical Creatures (the class) [*]Dreaming[/list] ►[color=7bcdc8]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color]◄ Even though he does his best to be friendly, he has a tendency to hold grudges - a trait his parents passed along to him and he hasn’t been able to kick; he can be extremely ruthless in taking revenge. He does his best to never show outright signs of hostility unless someone is insulting/hurting a friend; if that happens he’ll jump into defend the friend and end the confrontation - in whatever manner will get it to end. Very loyal to people he considers a friend, anyone in the same House as him he considers a friend which gets him into lots of trouble when he decides to jump into things. He has a tendency to absently have to touch something when he has a conversation with someone. It causes some problems occasionally when he - out of this urge to touch something while talking - ignores personal space and tosses an arm around a classmate. His lack of awareness of others feelings toward personal space and boundaries continues further to joining someone when they’re sitting alone; he won’t engage a conversation if he actually notices someone is studying (not always observant of what the other person is doing though), but he might just sit a little too close for it to be just coincidence he sat near someone, and often just pick up his own “loner” activity just happening to be in close proximity to someone else. He has issues being indoors for extended periods of time, and often is the first willing to brave out into the courtyard of the grounds if a storm has been going on for too long. Confinement to their house makes him a bit more restless than usual, and he’ll often break rules if it means getting rid of pent up energy. Several of his closer friends say he’s hard to read exactly what’s going on in his head, given that there is nearly always a smile on his face. He does his best to not take anything too seriously, but often times fails and he has to pull himself away from the task - usually a duel - before he does something his mother might do and he might regret. The only thing he regrets is going through with the trail to get his dark mark - and he has sworn to himself that he would never go down that rabbit hole again. That doesn’t mean it isn’t constantly pulling at him, especially with his interest in difficult and dangerous magics; trying to steer away from the temptation of dark magic is a battle he deals with on a daily basis, though it’s easier to win those battles while away from home. When he fails, or is forced to give up, he masks his disappointment and frustration over it; this usually gives him an aura of contained danger - like standing in the center of a tornado - and is the only time he actually wants to be left alone with Argint. All that being said, he is extremely intelligent. Between an understanding of how to talk to and manipulate people depending on their strongest personality traits and showing a natural aptitude for some of the more difficult magics, it would be quite clear to many of his classmates. He never volunteers answers in class and often passes off tips as a fleeting aside to the housemates that seem to be having difficulty with what to do. Intellect combined with a healthy amount of magical prowess, he has been known to tell a dozen different people a dozen different things which sometimes contradict one another, but never fears anyone will discover which is the lie; this is mostly applied for when anyone inquires to his home life/family, since it’s easier to tell lies than to omit the truth. He picks up on new magic easily - probably from years of being forced to study and attempt things - and has even taken to trying to create new spells. ►[color=7bcdc8]F A M I L Y N A M E[/color]◄ His family has a long history of exceptional magic users they claim heritage to, though not all of it is true. His grandparents all attended Hogwarts, making themselves people of note as exceptional students or Quidditch players. Both of his parents, however, were top marked students in their time at Hogwarts - something some teachers used to remark to Wayne about. Both parents were prefects, and were popular students for their year. His father, Prescott Arthur Nott, was a noted Seeker - enough so that he went on to become Seeker for the Tutshill Tornadoes to go on to be part of the English National Quidditch Team before he retired. His mother, Danielle Marian Perigorn, took top marks in everything - going on to become an Unspeakable for the Ministry of Magic. No one focuses any further back than that - mostly because it gets pretty spread out and his family doesn’t like acknowledging the more mediocre or only slightly above average individuals in their ancestry. What does matter is that there is old money amongst both the Nott and Perigorn bloodlines that Danielle and Prescott continue to add to. It is hardly a secret thanks to his parents and grandparents reputation outside of the school for hosting spectacular gallas for the rich and powerful amongst wizards. ►[color=7bcdc8]P L A C E O F O R I G I N[/color]◄ Tutshill, England ►[color=7bcdc8]H I S T O R Y[/color]◄ Although his parents know they can’t claim full-blood heritage, it never stopped them from acting like they were - definitely looking down on those that were muggle born or had one parent that was a muggle since both of them hailed from wizard parents. They had pressure to be the best and they expected no less of those they employ or their children. Danielle and Prescott made no attempt to spare time for their children, and this emotional distance wasn’t quite filled by the help hired to care for them. Wayne, and twin sister Alana, were raised under a thumb with pressure to learn about their heritage, all things magic, and even to start understanding spells and spell theory before they were old enough to get their letters. At the first sign of magical aptitude shown by Wayne when he was four, the pressure grew stronger to start demonstrating control over magic - not so much restraint in casting but the ability to cast deliberately and slightly more advanced than extremely basic spells. There are a lot of things he endured that he never speaks about - it helped make him stronger and give him more resolve for learning difficult spells now, empowering spells that needed that inner strength - but have left a mark on him nonetheless. He received his Dark Mark shortly after he turned seven, after passing the trial his mother created which scarred Wayne psychologically. Alana died during her trial, and her death isn’t something any of his family talks about; they have done their best to erase the evidence she ever existed - including going as far as to use magic to do it. This left a feeling that something was missing in Wayne, considering he and his sister were attached at the hip. Pressure all focused onto him to excel and understand magic while he could get away with underaged practicing outside a school without his parents around. When he is home, his parents insists Wayne continues to practice, which only happens when one of them is around to both force him to do so and mask his underaged casting; Wayne prefers to spend his time away from school out and about away from his home either hanging out with other teens or looking for new books in various shops. He was relieved when he finally got his letter. It meant freedom from being under his parents’ thumb - at least temporarily. First year was rough on him mostly from the comparisons inadvertently happening of how he was doing compared to his parents or his grandparents, especially since both of his parents were Slytherin and he ended up in Gryffindor. He acted out quite a bit - often caught out after curfew - and exploring the castle into forbidden areas. It wasn’t until a prefect introduced him to the Dueling Club that he started to get better, having an outlet for his excess energy, though it didn’t help the out after curfew issues and got better about not getting caught in forbidden areas. ►[color=7bcdc8]E X T R A[/color]◄[list] [*]If studying, or simply reading, he tends to spin his wand between his fingers like a drummer flourishing his drumstick. [*]During study hall, he was the one always getting in trouble for making noise - mostly because he couldn't help but tap his foot loud enough to hear the constant sound. [*]He only goes home for holidays if his parents insist because they’re hosting a party. [*]Part of the Gryffindor Dueling Club, he joined the other house Dueling Clubs as well and has been working toward being champion of all of them; he's champion of the Gryffindor Dueling Club and is working on becoming champion of the other ones. He has several badges already. [*]Talented and powerful, he might not elect to answer questions or do demonstrations during classes unless called upon, but he certainly has no qualms about using his full potential during duels, even as a First Year. [*]Prone to nightmares (something he won’t admit to,) he has issues sleeping, and instead spends a lot of that time either breaking curfew or reading in bed; rare occasions he may practice spells or charms that aren’t offensive and can be directed or contained. [*]He actively hates Quidditch and refuses to even be around anyone talking about it, let alone attend the games.[/list][/center][/hider]