Group discussion - mainly aimed at the GM/Co-Gm, but whatever, a debate's always fun. I can't find a concrete source for what the average lifespan for a Khajiit is, or if it differs between the sub-species. All things I've found have just been people discussing the matter in forums, so I thought I'd take it you guys, considering you'll have the last say on it (I'm making a Khajiit character, is my reasoning behind this.) So, from what I've found, there are three points of view: 1) As they are [s]potentially[/s] descended from Mer, they have the same lifespan as any Mer race, so, a few centuries. 2) Roughly the same as any Man races. 3) Far less than man, due to animalistic nature. (E.g., Cats have a far shorter life than humans, and Khajiit are big ol' cats!) Personally, I'd say the same as man, maybe a few years more. What do you guys reckon? And would there be any difference among the species of Khajiit?