[@LadyRunic] Oh, great. I thought, as the orc hunter drew back his arm to punch. Just great. Then he hit one of his drinking buddies, who hit him back, and started a full on brawl. I just backed away into a corner. Why did they have to fight each other? It's not right, shouldn't people be fighting [i]with[/i] each other? Then the elf approached me. "You are not so wise, Man. Come with me, I shall take you to a group who will help you." She said. "Oh, uh, ok." I picked up my stuff and followed her. "You will get no more aid there, not with the mess you caused" As we went out into the rain. Drawing up the hood of my coat, I shivered slightly. "Good night for the plants, bad night for me. Why did I choose to go?" I muttered to myself.