The wind is blowing cool fresh air, Lance had been posted up on the outside walls of the inn. He watches as a few people enter the inn, He smacks his lips as he is quite parched, he then reaches into his pockets and pulls out just enough funds for a bottle of mead "running low on money it seems" he sighs. Lance then turns and enters the inn and approaches the bar tender, he smacks the money on the table "a bottle of mead please" he requests. The bartender slides Lance the mead and he catches it. Lance hears a small commotion going on in the inn, "what are they all talking about" he asks as he takes a sip. The bartender replies "They are all talking about the Dragon academy, if you would like to join go talk to that lady over there" The bartender points in the direction of the lady. Lance puts his drink down "Dragon academy huh, I wouldn't mind joining" Lance says as he takes another gulp. @Aisling Lance begins walking towards the Lady, "Excuse me I am quite interested in joining the Dragon Academy" he says rubbing his head unsure if this is a good idea or not. He watches as there is a handful of other people wanting to join as well and they all seem to be writing on a peace of paper.