I finally watched it about a hour ago. I liked it, it wasn't perfect though and there were somethings that bugged me. My thoughts: [hider=Spooky spoilers] - The plot got lazy in certain areas, it felt like a rehash of Episode IV. BB-8 is a droid that has vital information the good and bad guys want, he ends up on a desert world. Stormies coming looking for him. The final assault on the superweapon is very similar to the trench run in the original. The idea of that also annoys me, I disliked having a second Death Star in 6, one of my reasons for not enjoying it as much as the two before it. The Starkiller base, essentially the third coming was lame. Hopefully they go with some different, bold ideas for the sequel. - Maybe they were scared to veer too far from mirroring the OT? - I liked Kylo Ren, glad that he was different from Vader. Reminded me of whiny Anakin in Ep II, but that's not bad, hopefully his defeat changes him. Excited to see how he comes back in the next one. The Han slaying was bold, I'm surprised he killed his daddy and that the writer's decided to put killing such an iconic character in the film. Similar to how Obi Wan died in IV. Snoke was interesting too, reminds me of the Emperor. - I liked the three main characters, would have liked more screentime from Poe. Finn is my favorite, they really nailed his character. Han, Chewie and all the returning characters were solid too. BB-8 was awesome. - Rey did annoy me in some areas. A talented pilot and engineer, also great with blasters despite never using one before Han placed it in her hands. It annoyed me how great she was right away with the Force and a lightsaber. She had zero training yet showed skill of someone who did. Also sweeped the floor with Kylo Ren who had training and talent, he was injured but still. She showed no faults. [/hider] I'd give it a 7 - 8 out of 10. Like it, but not as much as New Hope or ESB. Better than TPM at least.