[center][img][url=http://imgur.com/T2jEVEu][img]http://i.imgur.com/T2jEVEu.jpg[/img][/url][/img] [color=green][h1]Cernunnos[/h1] [i]Magic, Plants, Animals[/i][/color][/center] [ hr][ hr][center][color=green][h1][u]Basic Profile[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=green][u]|Cernunnos|[/u][/color] [indent]Write full name here.[/indent] [color=green][u]|Garret Edgar Lemont|[/u][/color] [color=green][u]|Gender|[/u][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=green][u]|Sexuality|[/u][/color] [indent]Whatever[/indent] [color=green][u]|Relationship Status|[/u][/color] [indent]He is looking for one.[/indent] [color=green][u]|Pantheon/Faith|[/u][/color] [indent]Celtic[/indent] [color=green][u]|Occupation|[/u][/color] [indent]He is a former botanist, former zoologist and currently, an illusionist.[/indent] [ hr][ hr][center][color=d3d3d3][u][h1]Appearance[/h1][/u][/color][/center] [color=green][u][url=http://imgur.com/T2jEVEu][img]http://i.imgur.com/T2jEVEu.jpg[/img][/url]||[/u][/color] [indent] [/indent] [color=green][u]| [img]http://i.imgur.com/M0V7XXQ.jpg[/img] |[/u][/color] [indent]He appears as a middle age man, well kept, unshaved but with a sharp set of eyes.[/indent] [ hr][ hr][center][color=d3d3d3][h1][u]Who Am I?[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=green][u]|Personality|[/u][/color] [indent]Cernunnos has become kinder. He never was purely evil, but he is currently a "good" man, in comparison to many. Though he lives a luxurious life, he grants millions to charity each year, even going so far as to visit homeless shelters and granting large sums of money, not to each visitor, of course, but enough to provide food and temporary shelter for holidays. [/indent] [color=green][u]|Family|[/u][/color] [indent]The Morrigan is a "cousin" as are the Irish Pantheon, he is from the Gaulish territories of the ancient world, another set of Celtic gods.[/indent] [color=green][u]|Strengths|[/u][/color] [list] [*] technology [*] magic [*] botany [*] zoology [*] medicine [/list] [color=green][u]|Weaknesses|[/u][/color] [list] [*] greed [*] lust [*] mental instability [*] obsessive compulsion [*] stress [/list] [color=green][u]|Likes|[/u][/color] [list] [*] sex [*] food [*] wine [*] study [*] wisdom [/list] [color=green][u]|Dislikes[/u][/color] [list] [*] hopelessness [*] black magic [*] murder [*] suffering [*] sickness [/list] [color=green[u]|History|[/u][/color] [indent]Cernunnos agreed to give up powers only because he knew ways to remain as a powerful mortal compared to any other mortal. If he had to be impovershed, go hungry or without sex, he would go insane. . .of course, even he doesn't necessarily NEED sex, but it makes his sanity easier.[/indent] [color=green][u]|Opinion on Mortals|[/u][/color] [indent]He loves mortals as brothers and sisters. Before he was a passable, kind but arrogant god, now he's still arrogant, but he's far less arrogant and much more compassionate and kind. He doesn't hold their weakness against them. [/indent] [color=green][u]|Theme Song|[/u][/color] "Legend" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj_wyw6Xrq4 [sub]”No lyrics.”[/sub] [color=green][u]|Favorite Myth|[/u][/color] [indent]What's your favorite story from any mythology or religion. If you don't have one, any book will do![/indent] [ hr][ hr][center][color=d3d3d3][u][h1]Mortal vs. Immortal[/h1][/u][/color][/center] [color=green][u]|Mortal Skills/Abilities|[/u][/color] [indent]Cernunnos as god of magic is more intelligent than a Human can be, he's extremely good at botany and has a strong affinity for animals, especially as a veterinarian and zoologist.[/indent] [color][color=green][u]|Immortal Skills/Abilities|[/u][/color] Cernunnos might be on par with Steven Hawking/Einstein as a mortal, but as a god he will be more intelligent than anyone in the world of the Human race. His magic will start to manifest as a wizard greater than any of the Merlins, Abe Seimeis, Imhoteps, etcetera of the past. He will be able to conjure monstrous animals like giant stags and boars, and manipulate nature like giant trees. [/hider]