[quote=@mattmanganon] Cool... If you don't mind, I have a couple of idea's for characters for this: 1) Super Soldier Honestly, if you reject this, I will not argue as I fully understand why. But the idea is that Super Soldier is an Amalgamation of Superman and Captain America. I've always loved the character and the chance to play him is always something i've wanted to take advantage of. I was hoping for him to essentially work with the whole "I may be Clark Kent, but I'm not this Superman guy everyone is so upset about. I'm just an honest man with the power to fight for Truth, Justice and the American way, and that's exactly what I plan to do." 2) Magic based OC Essentially, she is a hermit witch, one of those beings with immense magical potential in the world, though not on par with someone like Doctor Fate, her power is still comparable to Zatanna's, although her method of magic is completely different. Instead of magic incantations, she makes Magical items to use. Magic Scrolls, Talismans, jewelry and all other magical items that are each imbued with a specific spell. She is more than happy to remain in her shop that she uses to hock glittery rocks to morons to pay the rent, but events force her to take an active roll in the Justice League's affairs. Of course, most take exception to the fact that her chosen physical form is that of a 10 year old girl, but in reality, she is closer to 700... And has a mild addiction to a smoking a magical herb that permeates her body with mana. 3) Slobo Always my go-to guy for playing younger characters. He is the Top Teen with a foul mouth and even more foul attitude, damn near indestructable and physically as strong as Superboy, he is almost the Boy of Tomorrow's dark reflection. He's always a lot of fun to play. [/quote] Okay, out of the three, only the third would be an acceptable choice. Batman post will be up shortly