[@Lmpkio][@hatakekuro] [h2]Ike Tsugi[/h2] At Enma's shock at Ike, he gave a confused look before hearing him looking like a twig. [color=1a7b30]"Well thats awfully rude. I spent who knows how long inside a painting and thats the first thing you say too me? No wonder you never get far with women, I apologize in advance miss if Enma tried to seduce you."[/color] Ike said nodding at the woman before looking at Enma. [color=1a7b30]"As for my build shrinking. I may look weaker, yet trust me when I say that I far exceed what I was before. The damage the old Ike could do was pathetic compared to now. Who knows, when I attempt to become S class, you may just feel that new found power.... Several other already have..."[/color] Ike said mumbling the last bit as he looked at the ground before gazing up. [color=1a7b30]"As for the hair its a lovely thing called stress. Apparently if you have enough of it, your hair can fall out and grow in white." [/color] And then the Doma Flau turned pink. Which caused Ike to stare at the color before rubbing his head. Most likely in annoyance at this stupid prank, mostly when his guild just won their fight.