Outside of a subway station on the corner of Shuster Ave. and Siegel St. one of the enslaved Justice Leaguers made himself known. Out of the grey nano-machines that were blanketing over some trees and what looked like an old pet store across the street morphed an un-dead machine man, formerly known as Victor Stone. Cyborg shifted his arm into an energy cannon like nearly every time he blasted something, and took a shot off at Raven knocking her out of her hovering position. The Flash showed up in the blink of an eye, not knowing they were under fire. Sure there were a few dozen techno-zombies scattered throughout the area but not as many as other more populated parts of the city. Hardly anything for the fastest man alive to worry about. "I checked a subway station a few blocks further out and ran about a mile deep into each tunnel before getting swamped with drones. Those zombie tech faces almost make you wanna lose your lunch." he said to one of the other heroes [i]who wasn't checking the underground subway tunnels nearby as Batman instructed.[/i] "If the drones can not infect you I will assimilate you myself!" Cyborg screamed in a mechanical voice while leaping from behind a blanketed car husk taking fire at the heroes. "I'll find the others, try not to get killed!" Flash said bolting off and taking down a few techno-zombie drones who were gathering to support the enslaved Leaguer. [b]Across town...[/b] "I'm going to follow up on a lead, are you...?" Batman began to ask Wonder Woman mid-battle before she answered cutting him off. "We're fine here Batman, if you think Nightwing and Superboy may still be alive find them." the Amazonian said ripping a techno-zombie drone in half with her bare hands before pulling her spear and throwing it through two more making a kabob. "No wonder little girls wanna grow up to be you!" Superbeast yelled at Wonder Woman, now back in his furry humanoid form using his enhanced speed and reflexes to scale the outer surface of what was thought to be a drone generator. "Maybe my lightning beast can fry this thing with too much power. Static, Marvel.. one of you guys wanna help a guy out?" Superbeast yelled shifting into the Lightning Beast of Winath. The red lightning dog-like creature now scratched its way to the top of the drone generator avoiding blasts from nearby anti-air turrets. Oddly enough the firepower didn't harm the machines controlled by the machine city skyscrapers or the nano-machine grey blanket of tech covering over half the city now. Batman made note of this before slipping between a couple buildings and disappearing into what looked like a crack in the metallic floor. ~KL~