Not to defend that horrible, terrible man whose voice echoes through my dreams like a wolf in the nursery, but Orcs originally were a beast race. IIRC, you couldn't play as Orcs or something because they were looked upon the same way that people that play Oblivion look upon goblins i.e. rabid monsters that should be annihilated. Probably why a national pastime of those around the Iliac Bay is to get the whole family together and raze Orsinium. Then the whole thing with Boethiah eating Trinimac and shitting out Malacath came about sometime and that's what we go by now and razing Orsinium is looked upon by the fans the same way we look upon the Crusades. Fast forward a couple years and Altmer look like Galadriel and Elder Scrolls are nifty power-ups for you and your friends to play King-of-the-Hill in the Imperial City with. Of course, everything so far in the lore could've just been a transcription error because fuck you.