EDIT-Just wanted to let any new arrivals know that as of now we are no longer taking character applications. If this changes in the future I will post something here. The year is 9:40 Dragon and like most periods in the history of Thedas this too is a tumultuous one. Still reeling from the destruction of not only the Chantry in Kirkwall but the Grand Cleric herself both mages and templars war throughout the lands killing innocent and guilty alike. Circles have been abandoned, oaths have been broken, and blood has been spilt. Through the sea of Chaos the recently appointed Divine Justinia has done her best to push back against the seemingly collapsing age old orders of both Mage and Templars. Aware of just how much weight her actions carried the brilliant Justinia not only brought back the ancient order of the Inquisition, headed by some of her best and most trusted agents, but she also arranged for a Conclave to take place-a meeting on neutral ground where both Templar, Mage, and Chantry could come together in hopes of finding a peaceful solution to the ever growing animosity between the trio. Perhaps most surprising of all is how she was even able to convince the two groups to meet, no doubt not only was she wise and benevolent but a master manipulator of the game both in and outside of Orlais. Set to take place in just a few days Justinia herself has decided to preside over these peace talks in hopes of a more positive outcome-for one often remembers their place when face to face with the Divine. In these troubling times Justinias actions not only bring hope to a fearful populace but also fuel the desire for real change. But our story does not take place here, our tale begins with a lone dwarf shivering in the night leagues away. --- *Rules* -Basic rules apply, we all know what they are. If you need clarification just shoot me or Kraken a PM.- -Some types of characters may be limited to how many we allow (Grey Wardens, Blood Mages, Ect) Shoot me or Kraken a PM before making your whole sheet to avoid disappointment- *Character Sheet* -Character sheets will be somewhat basic, Ill leave it to the individual to deciede how fancy they want it to look. Would like the following info though. Name: Age: Gender: Race: Nationality: Group Affiliation: (If any. Ex:Templars, Circle of Magi, Legion of the Dead, ect) Occupation: (If applicable) Appearance: (Photos acceptable-keep them in the dragon age style though, no rl pics.) Equipment/Weapons: Bio: