[@Rotmouse] [@The Kraken] Oh its all good man, no worries. I did mean to tell everyone last night before I passed out: You don't necessarily have to be in the Inquisition at the start of the rp (at the time this takes place the Inquisition itself is rather small.) The first mission that Flint is undertaking is as follows: "We are sending you and a small group to investigate reports of Red Lyrium mining taking place just off the Storm Coast. It is unknown whether Venatori, Templars, or just the Carta are responsible. Irregardless the Inquisition wants the operation completely shut down and, if at all possible, all the red lyrium destroyed." Now this may seem like it limits people in how they can join-but don't be afraid to get creative. For instance, the land this mine is on belongs to the Arl of Amaranthine-a fact he has not taking too kindly to and rumour has it he himself has dispatched men to not just shut the mine down but to take it over for Amaranthine. Likewise many small surrounding villages have been raided and ransacked by this new mining operation, their main goal not to loot or plunder but to obtain the most precious commodity of all: human lives. Now enslaved the local populace is forced to work the mines day and night: escape attempts and breakout plans have been rather frequent but are often met with extreme retribution. Or maybe you are one of the Venatori/Templars/Carta that are actually behind running the mine-its not like every single rebel mage and renegade templar are 100 percent committed to the cause, especially after watching people work themselves to death while enslaved: it might make one doubt what they are doing. Anyways I wrote all that just to kinda throw some things out there and basicly get the point across that-Yes you can join and not be in the inquisition-it just might require some creativity on your part or a bit of colabing with me or Kraken.