[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/hawkeye-portal-banner_zpsrrsk7w9n.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Clint Barton[/b] | [b]Barbara Morse[/b][/center] This was the downside of being S.H.I.E.L.D.’s best squad of agents. They were the best thing that S.H.I.E.L.D. had in order to evaluate this superhuman team, which was code named the Avengers. Now that all these superhumans began to come out of the woodwork, the most experienced spy organization in the world had to level the playing field. Obviously, S.H.I.E.L.D. did not want to send out an untested team into the field. That’s why they needed Hawkeye’s team to make sure that these so-called ‘Avengers’ would be up to snuff for being a superhuman response squad. Hawkeye wanted to ask whether there were anyone else available. As Captain America was well aware of, they were currently in the middle of a delicate infiltration mission against an A.I.M. hide out. Weren’t there any other available squads for this task? Unfortunately, since Hawkeye and his squad were the best that S.H.E.I.L.D. had, they were the most qualified group within SHIELD to perform this task. “I’ll keep you in the loop.” Hawkeye responded to Captain America, “You never know about these A.I.M. guys. For how smart they claim to be, they sometimes do some pretty dumb mistakes.” Hawkeye immediately terminated the communications with his supervisors, knowing that, even though these ‘beekeepers’ highly overestimate their intelligence, leaving this channel open could take away their element of surprise. Hawkeye has seen some crazy stuff during his spy career with S.H.I.E.L.D., especially in his encounters with A.I.M. Whenever wacky phenomena are involved, any advantage that a non-enhanced human could get was welcome. The first portion of the mission went smoothly, even in spite of the minor interruption while the squad was scaling up the side of the A.I.M. base. The beauty of the bow and arrow is its relative silence. Fire arms are extremely noisy in comparison. Even with silencers, the noise is only muffled, not silenced, despite what these devices are called. Hawkeye and his team made it all the way to the center of the base without even being detected, either by evading guards or knocking them out without giving away their position. This central room was configured for some sort of experiment concocted by the ‘brains’ behind A.I.M. The room was shaped like a cone, with the floor descending ever sharply as one would go towards the center. The slope of the room was so steep that, beyond the narrow strip of flooring that crowned the edges of the room, where all the electronic equipment was located, the scientists needed a spiral ramp in order to reach the bottom. Above the pit, a large, purple orb was suspended from the ceiling, which the A.I.M. scientists had dubbed the ‘Zeta beam’. On a platform that looked over this conical pit, a strange being floated beside the other yellow-clad A.I.M. scientists. This man, if he could even be called that, looked as if he was a giant head, incased in metal plating, who had the tiny limbs of either an infant or a disabled person who had not used either their arms or legs in their entire life. While most people would probably be freaking out at this moment, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were not quite taken back at this sight. These bizarre situations were part of the job description. Before Hawkeye or anyone in his squad could do anything, the machinery in the room suddenly activated, launching a purple beam of ionic energy down from the orb that was suspended from the ceiling. Although Hawkeye did not know what that column of purple light was doing, he guessed that it was nothing good. Therefore, he drew an arrow from his quiver, aimed at the control module, and fired. The arrow that Clint had selected was specifically designed to deactivate electronics. When the shaft struck the controls that stood before the chief scientists of A.I.M. and the floating robotic head that was called MODOK, the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, the yellow clad men scrambled to reactive the device as they saw the purple beam dissipate before their eyes. However, MODOK discovered the SHIELD agents. “Intruders.” He said in a semi-robotic voice, “They must not interfere with our experiment!” A red, metallic square on MODOK’s forehead began to glow. Anticipating MODOK’s attack, all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents dove for cover, dodging the mental beam that that ‘man’ fired in their direction. Before MODOK could fire off a second blast, Hawkeye swiftly drew his bow and landed an arrow square on the red device that emitted MODOK’s mental beam. Due to his scrawny arms, MODOK struggled in vain to remove the arrow from his forehead before his mental beam would overload. As was expected due to his anatomy, MODOK could not pull off Hawkeye’s arrow, which caused the mental beam of the head of A.I.M. to overload and discharged the beam. At that same moment, the A.I.M. scientists had reactivated the ion-induced Zeta beam in order to reinitiate the experiment. However, MODOK’s mental bolt intersected with the ionic particles produced from the Zeta beam, resulting in a chain reaction that caused the device to malfunction and pure emit a column of ionic energy greater than the A.I.M. scientists had programmed the device to release. Everyone, both the A.I.M. scientists and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents stood in awe as they watched the purple column of light dissipate in front of them. Once the Zeta beam had stopped pouring out the ionic energy, everyone could discern that someone, or something was standing at the bottom of the conical room. His skin, or what looked like the outer layer of his body, had the same purple hue as the ionic particles that were released by the Zeta beam. Furthermore, it seemed as if a smoke-like substance, that was the same color as is body, was floating away from his body. When he opened his eyes, his eyes did not appear like one of a normal human, but it glowed red. After the man looked up, he immediately jumped into the air, soaring up towards the ceiling and crashing through the roof of the building. “Incredible!” MODOK shouted aloud, gloating in the success in his experiment which he truly did not expect to succeed in the first place, “I have created a being of pure ionic-energy. I am science! I am genius!” However, before the giant head could celebrate his ‘victory’ any more, Hawkeye shot out a volley of net arrows, which slammed into MODOK and sent him flying into the wall and trapped the AIM monstrosity behind a metal net. “Um, Cap.” Hawkeye opened up the communication channel back to base once again, “You might want Milton to test those Avengers. We just had a purple Doctor Manhattan zoom out of the A.I.M. base. We’re in pursuit now.”