Oh, how the world changed. In a matter of weeks the continent was abuzz with activity. A wildfire started by the discovery of a massive chunk of land floating across the seas of the world. Colonization efforts were no doubt already beginning to siege this new world for its resources. Resources a certain empire was hard pressed to get their hands on. There sat the mighty Emperor Walhart II, surrounded by his most trusted generals and councilmen in his war room. Frankly, they needed a new name for it. No war would be occurring any time soon. Instead, this was a meeting of prosperity. A meeting which would set the huge nation into motion in building its power to properly address the new world and stake a claim in it for the glory of the Empire. Running a hand through his greying beard, the middle aged emperor scanned the crowd of decorated servicemen and wealthy nobles alike. Some had issues to present to him, others were simply there to observe the emperor's fair judgement. The first to speak was a man who sat close to the emperor. His personal assistant, Titus. He was a trusted adviser, essential to the running of the empire. [b]"Aside from the reports flooding in of the New World, several documents of interest arrived in at the palace today, my liege."[/b] The younger gentleman spoke up, reading off from a piece of parchment which listed off the individual events he would be briefing the emperor of that night. [b]"Firstly, we received a letter from one Henry de Stonee. He claims to be an inventor who can revolutionize our agrinculutral systems. It's more or less a plea for assistance. Apprently, he had offered to share his expertise with our northern neighbors, Lascaux, but was threatened with death and other barbaric forms of punishment. He escaped the country and is now looking for asylum. Shall we respond? I assume this request was sent to many nations, in the hopes finding a shield to cower behind quicker. It may be in our interest to act quickly."[/b] The emperor continued to stroke his facial hair as he listed. An inventor, hmm? Frankly, he wasn't certain of the merit of this man. But it was a time of evolution. A time for growth. If this man could help the betterment of mighty Valm, then how could he turn him away? The emperor nodded. [b]"We shall assist this man. Write an official response. Tell him Valm is disgusted with Lascaux's treatment of such an intelligent individual. Tell him that we assure him a safe and well supplied work environment to implement his inventions and protection from potential Lascaux backlash. He needs only enter Valmese borders."[/b] The emperor never truly wrote letters himself. It was time consuming. He had scribes for that. Titus made notes of what the emperor wished, then moved on to the next order of business. [b]"A request from our eastern neighbors among the Councilate wishes to offer us their harbors for the use of colonizing the new world. They also request a political alliance and invite us to join some form of 'trade league'. It seems a good deal. I can only assume they offer because they wish our military support should anything occur in the new world. Still, the chance to form a resource abundant colony is something that will greatly profit Valm. We should act quickly."[/b] Titus looked to his king to see what he would reply with. The emperor chuckled. [b]"Reading my mind. We best keep an eye on the Councilate. They may have spies among us yet."[/b] He couldn't help but find amusement in the shifty eyes that subtly followed that comment among his generals. [b]"We accept. Valm shall happily make use of their docks and shall come to their aid whenever they need such. The Empire shall also take its place within this 'league' of theirs. An increase in trade between our nations is a welcome event."[/b] The war room nodded in agreement, as if they could do anything else in front of their supreme ruler. [b]"Finally, our western neighbors Terheridon have finally opened their long closed borders. They're offering all nearby nations full trade agreements in return for black powder and weaponry. Their lands are rich with gold and fine arts are common place among the goods leaving their caravans. The deal is very lucrative, sir. We would do well to share our arms with them."[/b] Titus advised. Like all the other events which occurred during the meeting, the emperor's decision was shift and simple. No need for frill or nonsense. [b]"We accept. Surely we have a surplus of muskets and mortars to share with them for their wonderful reserves of coin. In fact, this links up with a personal decree I intended to make tonight."[/b] He paused, continuing on with his plan. [b]"Our mighty empire is known for its terrifying military forces. We field the finest infantry on the continent, in the highest number. The best quality arms sit in our soldier's grasp. Some nations are not as lucky. In the interest of profit, the production of all muskets, cannons and munitions must rise. We shall put the labor force of this grand country to work crafting beautiful guns and powerful artillery, then sell it to the less advanced neighbors of ours. Terheridon will be taken with it all, no doubt. I can only assume the same of the Republi to our south. A nation we shall also offer our merchants to."[/b] There was some light applause following that speech from the war room. Applause the emperor quickly silenced. [b]"While we're on the subject of foreign affairs, there is much more to discuss. Hold your cheers until I'm done, boys..."[/b] The emperor then prepared to give a more... secretive decree. TL;DR Valm invites Henry de Stonee to their capital and makes him a generous offer in return for his work. Valm and the Councilate form an alliance, opening the Councilate's harbors to the Valmese for expansion. Valm accepts an invitation to the trade league. (Discussed in PM) Valm accepts Terheridon's offer of trade. In response to Terheridon's offer, the emperor orders the production of weapons within the empire to be doubled so that Valm can beat out competitors for Terheridon's gold and make the maximum profit by providing the maximum arms. Valm sends a messenger to the Republi, offering them a trade deal which involves the sale of the previously mentioned arms to help better equip their forces. [hider=GM]Valm, seeing Lascaux as a threat and a barbaric neighbor, dispatches spies to the country to try and form an intelligence network among the government.[/hider]