[b]Name[/b]: Akira Hato [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Height[/b]: 165cm [b]Weight[/b]: 61 kg [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://i.imgur.com/TV6f05M.png[/img] Akira deliberately keeps himself looking thin and feminine, removing unsightly hair and keeping his skin smooth. Often dresses in girl clothing, and even dies his hair on occasions. So used to dressing himself up and disguising the truth that he's quite capable of looking like any girl of similar build and height. [b]Personality[/b]: Akira has two sides of himself, the mask he wears and the face underneath it. His mask is confident, outgoing, and even seductive at times. He's quite proud of himself and his beauty. While he doesn't really make a point of emphasizing it, while wearing his mask he considers himself above the idea of male and female. While wearing his mask, Akira thinks of himself as a noble, who's above the common peasantry but also has an obligation to make sure those beneath him are satisfied under his service. Thus Akira is willing to reward those who work hard fairly, and can even be quite generous. While he isn't afraid to speak harshly to those he perceives to be lower than him, he'll also quickly come to their defense if someone outside his circle bothers them. But underneath that mask is Akira's true face. While he may not literally wear a mask, when he puts on girl's clothing Akira feels safe, that he can express himself without fear of reprisal. All of that is gone when he isn't in drag. His true face is passive and apathetic, ultimately wanting nothing to do with other people's problems and just wanting to enjoy himself and his hobbies. He finds his male parts disgusting, but at the same time feels the need to be "a man" and live up to the ideal of a man. Akira has complex feelings about women, having no real idea what sort of things they go through and merely act campy in an attempt to endear himself to them. He does have a sort of idealized worship of their beauty, but he's well aware that things aren't as good as they look. But he likes to pretend and ignore the faults. Akira loath himself for failing to meet his expectations of what a man is, and settles for trying to be a woman or at least "Above such foolish notions" in order to feel better about himself without actually improving. While he certainly has pride for his recent accomplishments, his past failures looms over his head, constantly reminding him that he's merely compensating for something. [b]Short Bio[/b]: Akira was born with a disease that made his body small and weak. Growing up, he was never as big as other boys, barely as big as other girls. He was sick often, but also healthy enough to keep living. Akira's family were not rich people and constantly had to pay expensive medicine and operations to keep Akira alive. His father in fact worked-himself to death, his final words towards his son telling him to be the man of the home and taking care of the family. But Akira couldn't do such things. He wasn't strong enough, not enough to be a man. So Akira became a girl. During middle-school, Akira dressed as a girl, and tried to use his charms to make things easier for himself. And the frightening thing was, it was working. People liked him, but for the wrong reasons. They ridiculed him behind his back, called him a freakshow and a psycho. Akira smiled and said that this was who he was, and that he was proud for what he is. But he only did that because he couldn't stand up to the alternative. Using his disguises, Akira started flirting with older, richer men and women, entertaining them to help pay for his medical bills. Akira didn't even live past twenty when he died due to accumulating STD's, as well as his illness worsening due to delaying treatments until he could pay them off. [b]Other[/b]: Akira is a master of disguise and can apply these skills to others people or things. Matters of stealth and information gathering is his specialty, especially when it comes to learning about other people. It's almost as if he could read people's minds. Akira is also fairly athletic and is good with gymnastics, at least in the Afterlife, since here he isn't infected with his debilitating disease. He can dance, do acrobatics, and many other feats of agility in dresses and heels as if he was some sort of action anime character. That being said, he's a complete wuss in a fight and would sooner jump off a building than actually brawl. He's got a good aim though.