Jason held her to him after he was done braiding her hair. ''My aunt reads eyes, she knows when someone is lying and when not.. Before she went for Foster care, she worked on a special team in the police departments... You know that tv show: Lie to me? It is kinda based on her team.. She knows just as good as that male person when someone is lying'' he spoke. ''We are going to skip the whole freaking day'' he then said and grabbed is back and took out a candy bar he had taken from home. ''Eat this'' he whispered and gave her the bar. He then thought of her question and then spoke with a soft voice. ''I have a sister who is five years old.. When she was three she got into a car accident with my mom... My mom died.. Kelsey survived but lost 60% of her sight'' he spoke, now it was his time to have a voice filled with pain. ''My dad is now in rehab as he couldn't handle the lost of my mother.. I take care of her, we live at my aunts house'' he said. ''I learned how to braid her hair perfectly.. Being able to see or not, she knows what she wants.. When meeting new people she uses her ears to listen to their voices and when she feels okay, she asks them if she can feel their faces... She is so great with it..'' he spoke. ''She can see in her own way... I am proud to be her big brother'' he said.