[center] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Galahad%20Cross&name=CelticHand.ttf&size=100&style_color=850000[/img] [color=maroon] [h3]School Dorms-Room 1407[/h3][/color][/center] Galahad pulled up to the school parking lot in his dark red Volkswagen Beetle. The paint was flecked immaculate, and possessed a sheen that one could only get from having a very nice car wash. As Galahad pulled into a parking spot and climbed out of his car, his phone buzzed in his pocket. With a sigh he fished out the device and answered it, putting it to his ear. [color=maroon]Yes Mum? Yes I got here safe. I'm fine really. We have this conversation every time Mum! I'm going to be twenty soon! You need to find your zen, for the sake of both our minds. Yes I love you too. Okay bye. Tell Dad I say hi."[/color] Galahad hung up with a smile, and popped the trunk of his car to grab his bags. As he made his way to Room 1407 he passed out the usual greetings to friends. In his past year and a half at Midnight Private he'd become friends with many of the other students. It helped that when anyone needed advice, they came to him. He just had that sort of reputation. It was a shame that he was going into the film industry and not psychology. He'd really excel at the latter. He pushed open the door to his room to find that it was nearly just as he had left it. The navy blue blanket that normally adorned his bed was strewn across the floor, along with an assortment of clothes. He smiled and shrugged off his jacket and hung it on the hook by the door. [color=maroon]"Welcome home Galahad Cross. Welcome home,"[/color] he said to himself, his slight British accent shining through. It was then that a voice came over the intercom, announcing the meeting in the Fine Arts building. Thankful for a reason to not unpack, Galahad grabbed his coat again and made his way to the building.