[img]http://news.cdn.leagueoflegends.com/public/images/srew/img/Sona_Splash.jpg[/img] -Name: Shitara Sonel, The goddess of music -Age: 25 -Gender: Female -Cave: 8 -Personality: She is a calmed and kind woman, she is respectful even to her enemies. The thing she loves the most is playing her guzheng and hates those who make fun of music -What you personally have with you: -Guzheng, this is a very elaborated one. With the guzheng Shitara is able to copy the Razor Wind magic and the Wind Shield magic the dragons do, but not as powerful. When used, the instrument floats in front of Shitara, at the height of her navel -Bio: The Sonel family has always been a family of excelent musicans, Shitara was no different from the rest of her family, or maybe she was, maybe she was even better, she was called a genious when she was only 6 years old. As she grew up she started to feel curious about the world and before she as 18 she was already traveling around the world with a group of musicans, the group became really famous in all the countries they visited. One day and old man approached to Shitara and examined her beloved guzheng and explained she could give the instrument another use, the old man turned up to be a wizard, he taught her to use magic similar to the dragon's. Once day this old man decided Shitara was ready to enter in Dragon Academy and so sent her to the Old Kingdom looking the Mystique -Other info: 1) It is said her music can make anyone's heart dance in joy and calm down even beasts, possible even dragons. 2) Despite her beautiful appearance and kind personality... she drinks like a fish.