The group moved along somberly in silence, none of them having volunteered to second the drunkard. As they moved away from the massing of treants, the members of the group could see that every tree was moving a bit, as if turning towards the sound of the duel. At the last moment of earshot, there was a loud, male scream, one of pain, then nothing but silence. Then every single tree seemed to be "looking" at each member of the group as they passed. Eventually one of the drow women returned, Warden Drisceya, and was in her saddle, having appeared as sneakily as she'd departed. As they neared closer and closer to the mountain, it turned out that it wasn't a sloping mountain pass they were approaching. It was a cave. Drisceya rode up next to Rilana, [color=bc8dbf][i][b]"No worries love, the Underdark is my specialty, and I know the way through. Won't take but a day to reach your lovely snows,"[/b][/i][/color] her voice dripping with equal parts honey and venom. Svarak kept on riding, for the Envoy had said to take this path. As he entered the cave, his sword immediately began glowing a dull blue, one that would bring some small comfort to the Moon Fey, reminding her of the ice back home. Drisceya sped up, taking the lead, her eyes unhindered by the darkness, while the other Knights began passing around torches for those with lesser vision, striking them up. If it was cold outside before, it was much more so now. From the ceiling hung many roots, frigid and moist to the touch, often snagging on hair and clothes. The rams were not finding any comfort in the dark, staying very close to another, nose to tail. It didn't go unnoticed that the other drow woman never did return to her saddle, but the expedition continued onward. Then a dull singing could be heard, one that Alya could make out. It was a soft, pleasant tune, alluring, gentle. Then the tune stopped, and a stiff, unusual breeze blasted through the cave, momentarily snuffing out all of the torches. Svarak's sword glow was only bright enough for the three people behind him to make out, but he kept moving forward, following Drisceya. Once all the torches were lit, Drisceya, Svarak, Rilana, and one of the knights, with one of the empty rams in tow were all alone. The rest of their party had vanished, as Drisceya continued onward, not having noticed. Further ahead of them, the roots grew deeper, thicker, and were much more in the way. Anytime a torch got too close to a root, it curled up tight, avoiding the dangerous flames. Eventually the tunnel would spill out into a large cave, one that seemed ideal for making camp in. It had one entrance in, and one exit out. It was roughly three spear throws in diameter, with many ledges and stalactites hanging down. Meanwhile, the rest of the group, consisting of Alya, the homunculus medic, Chartrose, and the other knight found no such solace. Any backtracking led them right into a solid wall. And the tune that Alya had heard had started once more, seeming to call her deeper down the tunnels. Any attempts to shout from either group would not be heard. Their tunnel would eventually lead to a fork. The left hand path emanated the song that Alya could hear, while the right gave off a very faint, moving blue glow.