He raised his eyebrows," who I am is not of your concern, but you are leaving now." He continued glaring at the person, on edge, one of his hands curled into fists just in case the male decided to attack. His eyes trailed up to the ceiling at the sound of the intercom beginning, announcing that school was out for the day due to the storm that was starting. He looked back down at the man, eyes narrowing again, but nodding as he turned around and left. Something was up with that guy, and he wanted to figure out what. He turned slightly at the sound of someone approaching, immediately recognizing it as the girl. He turned completely to face her. "You didn't interrupt me, I was getting ready to leave actually, I couldn't skip two classes in a row. I would be dead if my father got that call and is actually home for once." His smile was stiff, and fake. He wasn't joking. He would wish that he would be dead if that did happen. Swallowing hard, he noticed that she was walking off. He shook his head," hey, I can't just let you go off like that. You'd probably pass out, you look out of it as it is. Let me drive you home, and I can help with that. I've dealt with things like that much more often then I'd care to admit. [@Arista]