Rayne paused and blinked her heavy eyes at the male, her head shook slowly before stopping as a wave of nausea spiked through her. "I-I can patch up wounds as well, I just...Essa -my dog- usually waits for me just at the edge of the forest that divides this school from where I live. I can't leave her out their with a storm on the way." Her voice was hoarse and had her wincing after each word, her legs felt like led and her arms lIke rubber. She was glad for once that her parents worked busy jobs and didn't get home until late, Rayne swallowed and offered the male a sheepish smile. The halls were quieting quickly, the sound of strong winds slamming agains the windows had Rayne's head and body turning back to the doors. She paused through when the opened and her Spanish 4 teacher came in, the elder woman paused and blinked. "You should be long one Rayne. Off with you now, your friend can take you home if he has a car, your not walking back." Her tone was soft but firm, Rayne stepped forward and found her legs giving, her head spun and her stomach gave a hard flip. She was so tired, she couldn't really move anything to catch her fall, her eyes closed and she focused on breathing and keeping her breakfast. [@SomeoneSomewere]