Ready for combat, Zachary was quick to respond. Not a terribly bold move. The move was oddly predictable given the scoundrels outlandish appearance. Experience had lead the knight to believe that someone that appeared so untamed would be prone to more bizarre combative maneuvers. While expecting such it would not be his undoing. The first class knight was ready. Zachary brazenly angled his scutum as if block the incoming axe. Larger than the typical specimen, such a weapon would have been unwieldly in his own hands – which this particular savage wielded with ease. The axe clashed against the leather wrapped iron, but the result was anything but typical. The momentum brought by the axe was transferred to Zachary’s body, which he used to spin around the outside of the foes body. As his back aligned perpendicular with Zande’s potentially retracting right arm, Zachary dropped his arm to prepare for a slashing attack. As his body maneuvered around the opponent facing him the Melekurian knight swiped his swords at the opponent attempting to draw the blade across the enemies back.