[center][h1][color=green][b]Danny Green[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [hr] The early morning sun rays beamed down and kissed Danny's olive toned skin as he made his way through the garden that was located at the back of the Institute. The red haired boy couldn't have picked a better place to attend school than Northern California where many vineyards were located. Only a person like him could appreciate nature and her creation in all of its glory as he looked up to the sky with his eyes closed, enjoying the outdoors. Danny had already been up and out of his dorm by 6 in the morning due to lack of sleep. Most of it was due to homesickness. When he had first arrived at the school, he was more than excited to start his new journey to discover who he was and to perfect his abilities. But as weeks went by he couldn't help but miss his mother and father as he spent most of his time at home with them when he wasn't on a retreat or saving nature. However that all went away when he had his time to go outside and enjoy the plants, the trees, and everything natural in the world. It always made him feel calm and serene, especially feeling rejuvenated from the rays of the sun. Being asleep for 8 hours a day without sun or water had more of an affect on him than normal people so he made sure to replenish himself as soon as possible. Danny had came along way since he arrived at the school. For starters, he had made a name for himself as the campus tree-hugger and Eco-Nazi when he wasn't quiet and keeping to himself. He made sure to inform the staff that they needed recycling bins all over campus and replacing water bottles with filtered water canisters. He just couldn't help himself when it came to imposing his green beliefs on others. He still had a long ways to go before chilling out. On the bright side, the students were enjoying using green materials as well as the freshly grown organic fruits and vegetables that he grows himself in the garden. None of that chemical injected mess that most stores give to the public. But in the end, Danny meant well and wasn't a bad person. He could just be a bit abrasive at times when it came to this stuff which is something people have learned to get used to around campus. Most of the time when he wasn't doing their introductions, he spent most of his time tending to the gardens and making himself home in the greenhouse where he kept most of his plants and pheromone toxin experiments at. As he was laying sprawled out on the grass soaking up the sun, his phone alarm began to go off in his pocket. Like interruption of the needle sliding off of a record player, he was snapped out of his daze and reached into his pants to grab his phone. He remembered that he had set an alarm for 7:30 to be at the TC for their first assignment. He hoisted himself off of the freshly cut green grass, grabbed his bag with athletic clothes from the greenhouse, and made his way over to the metal coliseum to join the other students. They just told him to bring a change of clothes as he wasn't prepared for what they were about to do. Danny was dressed quite simple today as opposed to his usual hipster or preppy vibe he gives. Danny wore a simple lime green tank top, some black leggings, and some black boots with the leggings tucked inside. He approached the electronically locked door and pressed his finger to the fingerprint security scanner. "Welcome Daniel," said the voice as the door opened, allowing access to inside the TC. Danny walked inside and to much surprise there was only one other student there and the professors. He walked up to them and put his hands in front of him, his bag dangling off the side of his shoulder to wait for further instruction. He looked at the boy that was there with one of those awkward smiles you give a stranger as you pass them on the sidewalk. He didn't really know him as he only seen the boy a few times around campus. Danny looked back up to the professors and gave another smile. "Morning," he said trying to sound cheerful.