Keith sighed as he didn't want to leave Hogwarts, for he was already at Hogwarts already, how ironic. How this came to be was his family came to Hogwarts asking for Keith to personally stay and watch over Hogwarts while he continued his studies there. Yes, his oh so loving family upon the last day of school, came to the headmaster of the school and asked. Which they agreed, knowing that Keith was a perfect and already determined to be the Head Boy of Hogwarts next year. On top of the promise of them covering any damage that may occur, the school agreed and left Keith at Hogwarts while his own family went on their vacation. He laughed at his situation, at first before he went back to his studying with zero fucks literally given. He review the seventh year material in the first few weeks and reviewed the spells as well making sure he knew them all. Along with reviewing the previous years material to solidify them, he soon got his academics out of the way. Left to his own devices, Keith wandered the school testing his silent casting on simple spells like accio, lumos, and reparo before moving on to review bigger spells like bombarda and reducto. Making sure to repair his mess properly and leaving no trace, he grew bored with little to do at the school. Often going into the library to statisfy his boredom and wandering in the forbidden section safely of course. As time flew by, the time for his seventh year grew closer and he grew accustomed to the lazy life he had at Hogwarts. The daily ritual of grabbing food, practicing spells or reading a book and review his books before sleeping was a simple one. During his time at Hogwarts alone, he practiced making a wide area protection spell which he quickly took down as the days for Hogwarts to start again neared. Along with the few craters from his Bombards Maximas were repaired as well and whatever mess he did was cleaned up long before teachers came back to Hogwarts to prepare for school once more. His disgruntled appearance was evident on this day but under the surface, as breaking his ritual for the other students that were finally coming back to school was not fun. Bidding his room goodbye for the moment, he sighed as he was quickly prompted to get on the train so he could command the perfects. An annoying task indeed but he obliged and appirated a few times before he reached his destination with a 'boop' as he suddenly appeared as one of the trains left the station next to the sign 9 3/4. His presence was ignored for he wasn't dumb enough to come out of nowhere in a station with muggles. He before he left casted a simple charm which cause the attention of the muggles to simply avoid noticing him, a neat spell more students should use really. Either way his presence was ignored by the muggles but the other wizards... well who cares what they thought. He continued his way and entered the platform as once on the other side saw the train for Hogwarts. Entering it quickly, he didn't want to be late for his job as Head Boy and sighed once inside. Now it was for the hard part, he sighed as he recalled the names on the list of the perfects for the 6th year. Entering each cart, he polity asked for their name and continued through he cart until he rounded those scoundrels up. Telling each and everyone of them their duties before telling them that afterwards they were free until they got back to Hogwarts. It was such a simple task but he was forced to travel all the way back for this. He sighed as he might as well enjoy the traditional experience of the Hogwarts Express. Looking around for a room to join, he didn't even give a second glance to the others once he saw the note that made him grin "Do Not Enter" oh boy, Keith liked to see who was in there and opened the door. Looking at the sole inhabitant of the room, he grinned before closing it behind him and sat directly across from the boy. Briefly looking over the boy, he had an air of... 'purebloodness' that radiated off him, in contrast to Keith himself was like the hipster of the muggle world. With tattoos dawned on him and plugs on his ears, his clothing even said he was so muggle-washed. Oh God, the irony was killing him as the more comparisons he made the trench grew wider. Letting out a chuckle, [color=cadetblue]"So stranger, any chance of a name?"[/color] He asked with a fox-like grin mischievously looking at the other wondering his reaction of someone like Keith himself entering the space which the other so intended to lure people in. And honestly, he knew the Slytherin boy as the Head of the stupid sports team along with the Charms and Astrology club, but he just wanted to see an reaction.