[color=red][h3][b]This section is for accepted character sheets. Submitted sheets must first be posted on the OOC for review.[/b][/h3][/color] [hr] [hider=Leru Zapal] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/greatmultiverse/images/3/37/ClawditeNEGAS.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20141103074705[/img] [b]Name[/b] - Leru Zapal [b]Species[/b] - Clawdite [b]Gender[/b] - Male [b]Age[/b] - 24 [b]Occupation[/b] - Spy/Assassin for the Scarred Hutt Cartel [b]Appearance[/b] - In his natural form he has dark green skin with yellow eyes, sunken cheeks, a narrow nose and a small mouth. He appears reptilian but his face is human-like. Leru is not particularly tall, standing 1.75 meters. His body is skinny with hints of muscle. As a Clawdite he is able to shapeshift into other similar shaped beings. His most common form that he shapeshifts into is as a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3e/d4/ff/3ed4ffca03785b7507de0473fc8782b4.jpg]clean shaven human male[/url]. This is the form others know him as, he rarely ever is in his natural form except when he is alone. [b]Apparel[/b] - His choice of clothing changes depending on his job, but in casual settings he wears conservative clothing that doesn't stick him out of a crowd. While in assassin mode he wears light armor that is easy to run in. [b]Weapons[/b] - Leru always carries a Penetrator MB-450 sporting blaster pistol and a vibrodagger. They are both weapons which are easy to conceal. [b]Equipment[/b] - His credit chip and a grappling hook are two essential items. [b]Skills[/b] - [list] [*] His ability to shapeshift is his greatest skill, he can take on other humanoid forms, mimicking them. This extends to the ability to form hair and the appearance of clothing as long as it laid directly on the skin. [*] He's a solid shot with a blaster, not exceptional but not a slouch. [*] Leru is in great physical shape, he's a talented climber and acrobat with great athleticism. [*] He's a capable hacker and locksmith. [*] Leru is bilingual, able to speak galactic basic, Clawdite, Huttese and Twi'leki.[/list] [b]Flaws[/b] - [list] [*] His shape-shifting has drawbacks, if he is injured then he reverts to his original form. Also reverts while in sleep or if he dies. He also receives physical pain from the actual act of changing, it gets worse with more complex forms. [*] He's not a fighter, close quarters combat is where he gets bullied around. Leru isn't strong physically, wrestling matches are loses for him. [*] Has an almost fear of revealing his true form to anyone. Changelings have a bad reputation throughout the galaxy, they are not trusted, sometimes outright feared or hated. [*] Like many others of his race he is extremely solitary, mistrustful and suspicious of others. He avoids social gatherings and has very few friends. [*] Leru avoids direct conflict. With his job he tries to remain out of sight, he's not meant to battle head on with somebody. Almost cowardly in this regard. [/list] [b]Personality[/b] - Leru is a solitary, near silent Clawdite. He almost never starts conversations, and when conversed his answers are often short and nervous. He avoids being with others and just tries to blend in with the crowds. He's very shy about his true form, and has no revealed it to anyone on 3030. If anyone asks, even his superiors within the Cartel, he tells them he's human. Despite working for such an ill organization, Leru is not a bad man moral wise. He does assassin work, but only for the cartel. The targets are almost always members of other gangs, scum of the underworld. He doesn't harm innocents and avoids fights. He feels for the poorest within 3030 and would one day like to help them. [b]Goals[/b] - Amass enough credits to live a quiet solitary life, enough to move out of 3030 as well. If possible he wants to help his people stuck in the slums of his homeworld. [b]Backstory[/b] - Leru was born on the Mid Rim world of Zolan, the home of the Zolander species and his own. On the world his species was oppressed, feared by the Zolanders and forced to dwell in the slums of the planet. They were oppressed every day, Leru facing it in his youth. His family was loving, but the conditions they lived in were terrible, his parents seeked a way to get him offworld. At the age of fifteen this hope become something real as his parents managed to smuggle him aboard a merchant ship. Leru's talents as a shapeshifter had been nurtured and he was able to masquerade as one of the crewmen on the vessel. Luckily for the Clawdite the ship returned to Coruscant, a world where he could lived in secrecy, with actual opportunities. He ended up in the Coruscant underworld, then on level 3030. He needed a way to live, credits were the driving force behind everything in 3030. His talents as a changeling gave him a way to make money, he took up a job with the Scarred Hutt Cartel, it was an assassination of an opposing gang member. Leru put a blaster bolt into the man's back after shifting into one of his friends. The shock of actually taking another life affected him, but he rationalized it by realizing that the man was a hardened criminal. After that he actually joined the Cartel, he found work within the group, spying on whoever his superiors wanted, assassinating who they wanted dead. He's earned some respect within the gang, he worked hard, asking for nothing but credits and to be left alone when not on mission. He secured a comfortable apartment in Cartel territory, it is a place he most often frequents. [/hider] [hider=Siennviwor] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e2/2e/30/e22e309b0f11592def847d61a5e20a2f.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b] - Siennviwor [b]Species[/b] - Twi'lek [b]Gender[/b] - Female [b]Age[/b] - 20 [b]Occupation[/b] - Dancer/informant for the Siren Claw Syndicate [b]Appearance[/b] - Siennviwor, or more simply, Sienn, is a Twi'lek of average height, standing just over 1.7 meters. Her frame is slender, though her figure is very feminine and attractive to the male eye like many others of her race. Her skin is a pink tone, her eyes brown. She also has painted eyebrows above her eyes to appear less alien, when dancing she also has other types of makeup on her. [b]Apparel[/b] - She wears various dancer outfits, they are seductive and light, ranging in appearance and modesty. When not dancing she wears more conservative clothing, usually leather pants, boots, and tube top with a jacket over. [b]Weapons[/b] - She does not carry a blaster, but she carries a knife on herself when not dancing and when dancing in dangerous surroundings. [b]Equipment[/b] - A credit chip. [b]Skills[/b] - [list] [*] She's an exceptional dancer, her moves beautiful to the eye. [*] She possesses the usual Twi'lek charm, knows how to play men like an instrument. [*] She's great at hiding her intentions and is a talented liar. [*] Fluent in Twi'leki, Basic and Huttese. [/list] [b]Flaws[/b] - [list] [*] Has no experience or skill with a blaster. She's never used one in combat. [*] Has never killed before and does not want to. The only way she could see herself doing it is if her life was at stake. [*] Not really the combat type, doesn't know how to fight and isn't physically strong. [*] Has a fear of physical pain, especially the kind that would leave marks or scars. [*] Her head tails (Lekku) are extremely sensitive. Pulling on them causes her intense pain and can outright knock her out if yanked hard enough.[/list] [b]Personality[/b] - Sienn is a cautious young Twi'lek, she has been told much of life in the undercity for her people, how many are mistreated and outright enslaved. She does not want this at all, instead being very careful with who she befriends and aligns herself with. As a dancer she just tries to not speak to much, instead letting her moves do the talking. She is a friendly girl, one that values real friendship. She cares for those that care for her, and has no care for those that seek to use her. Sienn enjoys dancing, it is her greatest talent and her way of making a living. [b]Goals[/b] - Sienn wishes to survive 3030, making enough credits to live a worry free life. She would also like to gain some respect within the Sirens, as she is only just a recruit within the group. She also wants to help the organization grow, as she supports all its ideals and goals. [b]Backstory[/b] - Sienn was born on the Twi'lek homeworld, ten years before the Clone Wars. Her childhood was not that different from other of her species, her family didn't have very much money and could afford few luxuries. Her mother, like Sienn would one day become, was a talented dancer. Many moments in her youth were spent with her mother being taught how to dance. During the Clone Wars, Ryloth was captured by the Separatists, her race fought back against the invaders, her father was one of those that fought with the freedom fighters. He died in combat, leaving Sienn and her mother shocked and saddened. The Separatist forces were not kind during their occupation, they mistreated and stole from her people's villages, even used civilians as living shields. The Republic would retake the planet, though the beautiful world was hit hard by the fighting. Many had died, Sienn and her mother hid for days as the fighting went on. After the Clone Wars ended, the Empire arose, Sienn was just reaching maturity for a Twi'lek. Her mother sold her to a wealthy merchant, seeing it as a way to give her daughter something better than what was to be had on the Ryloth. The merchant was a wealthy man, Sienn was to be wed to him, he brought her to Coruscant on his yacht. She had seen how the man actually was, cruel and greedy, he was not someone she wanted to marry, over twice her age as well. While in the streets of Coruscant, just before their marriage, Sienn ran away, she just ran as far as she could from him, escaping into the endless alleys of the surface of Coruscant. He never managed to track her down, though she was intensely paranoid that he would, he was a powerful man with connections on Coruscant. She managed to find a way into the underworld, while it was not her first choice, it was a safe one. She stowed away on a ship that was heading for 3030. As soon as it landed she dashed into the undercity, losing herself amongst the crowds. Her new surroundings reminded her of her home world, people living in bad conditions, crime everywhere. She had to scavenge, beg and steal for her first weeks in 3030, then she turned to dancing. While walking the long roads of thirty thirty she passed by a gentleman's club. As she went past the front entrance someone working for the club approached her, they were searching for new talent to dance for the club. While not certain about the idea, it was a way to make money and use her talents, so she took the job. Another dancer in the club was a member of the Sirens. After befriending the woman, Sienn too would join the gang. She saw it as a way to protect herself, they were a group with only positive intentions to her. Since then she has left her job in the club, having become more of a freelance dancer in 3030, also an informant for the Sirens. [/hider][hr] [b][center][h2]Active Roster:[/h2][/center][/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3237560]Leru Zapal[/url] - [@Heat] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3237560]Siennviwor[/url] - [@Heat] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89856-star-wars-coruscant-underworld-always-accepting/char#post-3240152]Shakk'arar[/url] - [@Hexaflexagon] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3253778]DL-058[/url] - [@cqbexpt] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89856-star-wars-coruscant-underworld-always-accepting/char#post-3253829]Mar of the clan Den[/url] - [@Sep] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89856-star-wars-coruscant-underworld-always-accepting/char#post-3253829]Tanya of the clan Den[/url] - [@Sep] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3257991]Krenn Prong[/url] - [@frapet] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89856-star-wars-coruscant-underworld-always-accepting/char#post-3273512]Tir-Nem--Saral[/url] - [@EliteCommander] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89856-star-wars-coruscant-underworld-always-accepting/char#post-3432435]Namen Starblade[/url] - [@Lord Coake]