Lyn nodded thoughtfully. It made sense that it would take a long time to master sorcery; she doubted that she would ever have the patience to sit down and study ancient spellwork for long enough to become decently skilled with it. She winced inwardly at the girly sound of Helga’s giggles, watching as the maid walked away. Had Aidan just complimented her again? He must simply be keeping up the pretense of his ‘Erik’ character; surely, that was it. Perhaps Lyn should have asked if he wanted to maintain a more detailed masquerade, with details such as flirtations between Erik and herself. Erik was from the Western Isles, anyway; and there were few reasons for a young woman and man to be traveling alone together to the place they both hailed from, other than a romantic journey of sorts. Lyn managed to finish eating in good time; and a quick glance out the window revealed that their belongings were still safely secured where they were left. “I’m ready when you are,” she told him. “Also… Is there a certain way I ought to be interacting with you while we are in public view?” She asked this last question in a lower voice, even though no one appeared to be paying attention to them.