((Actions made by Demetria Graves have been approved by [@Dirty Pretty Lies])) The drive to the train station was miserable. His mother and father said they had to blend in with the muggles, so every year they rented a car. Cal put the sleeve of his jacket over his nose, trying to bear the horrid smell that emitted from the car. The seats were decorated in stains, and the car smelled like something rotted in it and died, and by the looks of the shady place they bought it from, something probably did. Cal put his knees up to his chest, having his feet avoid the pile of green slop on the floor, and he was sitting forward so his back didn't make contact with the stain on his seat. Cal was glad when he got out of the car, and was able to stretch out his sore body. He hastily opened the trunk and grabbed his bags, eager to start heading off to the station before his parents followed him. He hurried off across the street when his dad called out after him. [color=00a651]"Callum! You don't want us to come with you? It's your sixth year here!"[/color] [color=0072bc]"Yeah I know it's my sixth year here! Ever the more reason for you not to come with me. Bye!"[/color] He waved at his mother and father, and headed off for the train. But it wasn't only because he was in his sixth year that he didn't want his parents to come with him. Towards the end of fifth year, him and Demetria Graves had gotten together, and Cal's parents weren't exactly the people who make him feel comfortable when around girls. They would always poke fun and make him nervous and uncomfortable, and he definitely didn't want that happening now. Platform 9 3/4 was right in front of him. He made sure there weren't any muggles eyeing him, before bounding through the wall, and appearing on the other side. As he was going through he heard some of the first years gasp, which was what Cal did when he first came here. But he had now walked through the barrier eleven times, and he had gotten used to it. Even though Cal had seen the train countless times, it was still magnificent. Steam rolled of its Crimson body, disappearing into the sky above. Taking his eyes off the train, he set them on Demetria, who stood waiting for him by the train. He took her hand, and she put her head on his shoulder. He walked through the train. He forgot how small and ignorant he was when he was a first year, as they ran through the corridors carelessly, yelling. They eventually found and empty compartment where they could sit and wouldn't be bothered. He set down with her at his side. She ventually put her arms around his neck, leaned into him and gave him a kiss. Cal kissed her back. He put her arm around her and she settled into him. Cal didn't want to leave a blank space of silence. [color=0072bc]"It's good to finally be back with you."[/color] Cal gave her a warm smile and gently pulled her into him more. [color=0072bc]"How was your summer?"[/color]