[quote=@Vocab] Specific about what? We're gonna need some specifics here xD [/quote] Very well, I shall be less polite and more specific. I DO find your post being a little too [u]meta[/u]gaming for my actual taste. The particular reference to an "idiot who could be there" is suspicious in my opinion. Also, I do like to note normal explosive grenades are designed to clear out rooms with explosive force. They aren't demolition charges. Blow a door off the hinges? Yes, they can do that. They can't punch through well built walls. Claiming to demolish the surrounding and the doors seems a bit excessive in my humble opinion for the actual payload a grenade has (because if grenades could do that, they would be very damn unsafe to use indoors). It only adds to my suspicion. All in all, I was hoping for others to reread the post carefully, and point out if it was just my bias as affected player and his character, but to be honest, the more i think on it, the less I like it.