Asur growls at the two dragons and riders and her wings tucked up beside her, she stood ready to fight if they even dared to come close to her rider fangs bared at them. She lashed her tail swiftly cutting the air. She looked at her rider slightly a smirk on her lips and rolled her eyes before stareing at the dragons and riders her scakles where sharp to everyone but her rider. Seyli looked at them slightly wary and nodded [I] Yes we must stay on Alert if thus turns ugly it will not be fun to battle with them[/I] She said in a gentle tone her eyes looking at the dragoness and the older male 'Hey buster Keep your business on youself and not us" She scowled not liking how frowned upon they where for being girls and liking tio haves ome fun every once and a while. Chaos nodded eyes narrowed deeply at the other rider and dragon uneasy but showed only protection his large wings unfurled and behind his rider but fangs bared and eyes scorching with flames, he was not about to let someone harm her or anyone. He stares at them and snickers slightly [I] The big dogs of the class it will thrill to see if they can up hold their title against us[/I] He mused his large sharp and steel like wings shine.